Chapter 26 - Friday

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"It's five o'clock in the morning..
Conversation got boring..
And Jason was dreaming!"

"Shut the fuck up man!"

"So I snuck up to your bedroom!"

"Buddy if you don't shut up one bit I'll push this conical flask down your throat."

Why did I have to confess my nightmares? Now I'm going to have a hard time controlling these assholes. And how the bloody hell did they get me to tell them??

"Ooh, Jay buddy you've got company coming your way." Damien pats my shoulder and I look up to catch Bella entering the Chem lab with Stacy and Sammy. She was wearing skinny jeans and an off shoulder crop top and had her hair down. It took me a while to realize that she was walking with that new guy Austin beside her and he said something to make her giggle.

"Ouch! Bud looks like you've got competition." Scott jokes and I shove his shoulders.

All the memories of the dream popped up once again when she passed by us taking the back workbench behind us with Austin.

I felt so uneasy, that I wanted to bolt out of that class and ditch school today. What am I saying? It's just a stupid dream doesn't mean anything.

It was hard concentrating on the chemical solution in front of me when all I was thinking about is that g'damn dream. It was getting even uneasy whenever she would chuckle. I was imprisoned in my own thoughts when the door suddenly flew open and in came a girl in jeans and a crop shirt. She had brownish hair which half of it was covering her left eye. She raised her head to find everyone staring. Her green eyes looked guilty for interrupting class and I hear her apologize and Mr. Nicholas regard her.

"Ah and you must be our new student?" Mr. Nicholas raised an eyebrow and she nods before her pink lips curved up forming a sweet smile.

Mr. Nicholas allowed her to introduce herself before we began the lesson.

"Um..My name's Marina Reed and I moved here from Michigan." She paused to breathe in before scratching her head. "That's all."

Everyone let out a chuckle before the teacher dismissed her to find a sit. As she walked passed us the guys whistled and she eyes me before her lips formed a smile and I smirked back at her.

"Hehe buddy guess it's time to pounce aight?" Damien nudged my shoulder and we laughed before doing a fist bump.


"Nah man I like the game plan. Can't wait to see the look on their faces when we crush them on Saturday."

"Well see ya at the House."

"Oh and also, they need us back at the dock. Shipment's arriving at 6, ok?"

I remind the boys before we parted.
I felt quite sore after the practice but nothing I can't handle. With Saturday's game coming up, I was willing to put all my best efforts into practice.

Both football games meant everything to me to even give it up and hell yeah, we are so going to bring it home this weekend, we always do. I'm looking forward to a handful of touchdowns bruh.

The sprained muscle wasn't the main reason why I had to bandage my shoulder up, that son of a b*tch kicked me hard on the arm before I beat the sh*t out of him. That's what you get for making a fake deal with the gang. Anyway, I won't begin with the story, that's history for now. He got what he deserved, plus my boot did a good work of art on his bloody face.

I continued wrapping up my arm while moving down the hallway. The little crowd of people were starting to leave.

I decided to stop by my locker to gather a couple of things before leaving, so I took a shortcut that went around the girl's washroom instead of taking the longer way that seemed like making a 360° angle before getting there.

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