Chapter 5 - Troubled Tuesday

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Staring at the fries in front of me I let the smell travel through my nostrils. I hear my stomach grumble and I smile.

It was lunch and we all were seated at our usual spot and like every high school, everyone's topic was about the action that took place this morning.

We keep getting looks from everyone who passed by us with their lunch trays. Some whispering as they passed, keeping their head low and some looked annoyed by how much attention we were getting.

Jocks keep laughing and pointing in our direction but automatically shut the hell up when Stacy glared at them.

"Wow Felice today was definitely 'Triumph Tuesday'. I'm glad you showed that plastic surgery doll where she belongs, congrats girl." A girl in her cheer outfit comes up to us with her pony tail bouncing says cheerfully ignoring the burning stares that everyone were giving us.

"Someone had to take out the trash." Felice rolled her eyes and laughed, instead of accepting the credit.

"I couldn't agree more, see y'all at practice." We all nodded our heads at her in agreement and she skipped off.

"Okay. Mind explaining to me why everyone wants to stuff Tiana in a trash can?" Ash started and earned herself ugly looks from all the girls who were surrounding the table. There was a handful of girls surrounding us and filling the atmosphere with their noise.

"Ashley dear let me introduce you to the one of the school's total slut." Stacy obviously spat out in hate. She fixed her black curly locks, moving some loose strands over her tanned shoulder before speaking. I remained silent and swallowed the food in my mouth as I watched Ash's facial expression turn into disgust.

"That fake bitch stole-" and before she could finish her sentence she was cut off by Sofia.

"Stacy? Language! And shut the hell up for once." Sofia said through gritted teeth and made an eye movement to Chloe who looked upset and hurt. There was a moment of silence.

"Excuse me, um I'll just visit the washroom." Chloe slowly stood up, with her dragging chair breaking the sudden silence. Everyone kept quiet and watched her leave with Daphne and Jade running after her when she was gone.

"Oh Stacy you're such a killjoy." Said a girl who was standing beside her as she playfully shoved Stacy hard.

"No lemme rephrase that for you. Blabbermouth, Mood-changer!" Sofia corrected, exclaiming. And before we knew it everyone started gaining up on poor Stacy.

I tried hard not to laugh as Felice struggled to control Stacy and Sofia who were still pointing fingers at each other when everyone had calmed down.

"For Pete's sake stop it, the both of you!" Felices' face was burning red and she looked exhausted.

"Wait, what? Ok, who's Pete, is he your new boyfriend? Girl how didn't I know about this shit?" Stacy grinned playfully, definitely proving to be the second hilarious person in this group.

Felice pinched the bridge of her nose. Growing very tired, she sighed, shook her head and everyone took that as a signal for them to disperse.

A look of relief settled on her face after everyone was gone. "Sorry about that girls." She played with the fries in front of her.

"No, don't be Felice. I'm sorry for asking. I should've known better. I think I've just ruined lunch for everybody." Ash gulped and lowered her head guiltily.

"That's ok. I was thinking of a way to get rid of the contributing chaos and you just helped." She looked up at us smiling.

"So yeah your question about that bitch." She picked up a chip and started nibbling on it.

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