Chapter 23 - My Palm+Your Face = Yogurt-slapped

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"Hey Babe. Wow am I happy to see you. Why you always in a rush? Did you see Chucky up there?" He jokingly greets.

"Worse, two murderers stripping each other! " I say with the look of shock still plastered on my face and Tyson busts out laughing, slapping really hard.

"Why do you have that in your hands, no murderous criminal's been killed by a vase before." He gave me a thoughtful expression and I laughed nervously.

"Let me take that." He chuckles and gently withdrew the vase from my hands and led me into the living room where all my stuff was lying on the table, and patiently waiting for me. Once I relaxed my butt on the sofa, we heard footsteps moving down the stairs with arguments. Tyson and I got up to go see what was happening.

"Jessica hang on let's try this again." Jason was busy persuading Jessica who looked very annoyed and angry as she stormed down the staircase, barefooted with her high heels in her hands with Jason shirtless and still trying to zip his pants up. I bit back nervously and stared at the both of them who were heatedly arguing. Tyson was trying to hold back a laugh while biting his bottom lip.

"Why don't you go try it out yourself!" She fired back and Tyson roars and everyone turned to stare at him.

"Tyson do us a favour and go f*ck yourself." She scolds and Tyson continues laughing.

"Hey excuse you. Mind your mouth there are kids in this house." I tell her with a straight face and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Whatever bitch. Nobody asked you to open your mouth" She uttered cruelly at me.

"Jason why is this bitch here?" She folds her arms and studied me bitterly.

"Leave." Jason yawns and pushes her towards the door.

"Jason!? Baby, really now you're kicking me out because of this bitch-piece?" She pouts innocently with her lipstick coated lips curved into an ugly arc angle as she throws herself on Jason.

"Jessica shut the fuck up and just leave!" Jason ignored her and opened the door, pushing her out.

"You ok?" Tyson asks in concern, firmly wrapping his arm around my shoulder, once she was gone. I nodded before looking at Jason who looked confused and frustrated.

"Why the hell are you in my house?" Jason abruptly asks with a disappointed sigh.

"Babysitting buddy." I smirked back at him annoyingly.

"Very funny Marino. You Babysitting me now?" There was that cockiness in his voice that irritated me. I gasped and the both of them died of laughter.

"Please you don't need one. As a matter of fact you need a psychiatrist." I chuckled back and Tyson was rolling on the floor. Jason smirked at me before shaking his head.

"That's why you're called Craziness. Don't worry I ship them. I get it you were a psychiatrist before that. You should visit me often. Our convos are interesting." He gave a thoughtful expression, smoothly rubbing his chin.

"Ugh, you pervy pig." I disgustingly spat out and he chuckled.

"Hey Bella I'm heading off I can drop you off on the way if you want." Tyson offered and I accepted gratefully. I gathered my books and bag before exiting the front door with Tyson.

"Bye ketchup phsyco." Jason was smirking at me when I exited the door. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me. Damn I hate that bitch.

"Why does he have to be a major bitch?" I picked up my bike and handed it over to Tyson who took it and fit it into the booth. After he was done he slammed the back booth shut.

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