Chapter 7 - Popcorn and Flashy Cars

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I was sitting on Ash's bed texting with my best friend, Samantha. She's one of my best of friends ever since middle school. Don't get me started about my friends, we were a group of crazy and funny ass people. It's a shame all of us had to go our separate ways.

Sammy told me that she was already enrolled in Cameron High and that she will be attending school next week. This got me jumping on Ash's bed like a maniac in some mental hospital.

Finally my best friend is here and I'm never gonna feel like a loner. Well not that I am, but I just can't stop this feeling of excitement of finally having my best friend by my side in a new high school. Don't get me wrong I love my new friends but having one of your best friends with you in a totally different high school, especially when you've left home, happens frequently.

I suddenly remembered home, the memory of how I used to visit the countryside and walk through vineyards, play soccer and go to the bakery with..with...Xavier. 

My eyes felt watery when I remembered the one person I swore to forget. His face popped up in my head, his brown slightly curly, wavy hair that always fell over his icy green flickering eyes. And how he used to smile at me. I missed him so much. Why was I thinking about him? I'm never supposed to. That's the reason why I had to agree with everyone to move here, to forget about him. And I know that if Sammy was here right now she would kill me.

Sadly my emotions faded when Ash pulled out a red dress. It was short and looked like one of those dresses with curves, the ones that cling onto your body. She held it in front of me with a pair of ruby red pumps.

"You're wearing this." She smiled while I gave her that 'are you kidding' look.

"No." I shook my head.

"Come on Bella. Just this once, try to enjoy high school." She frowns.

"You know me, I hate parties. It's full of weirdos." I tell her folding my arms and gave her a look that supported my reason.

"How do you even know about that, you haven't been to one." She turned around and kept going through her wardrobe.

"I know what happens at parties. The word practically spells out the definition of it." I chewed my bottom lip nervously hoping that got her to stop pestering me.

"You're just being overdramatic." Or not. Maybe that didn't work.

"Look I can't go." I sighed. "Besides I have two English homework and two Math assignments to work on. One is to be done individually and the other, I got partnered up with Jason." Great. I was late to shut my mouth.

Ash turned to face me with a puzzled expression yet a hint of amusement burning in her eyes. Here comes the mood killer.

"This must be destiny. I'm starting to like Mr. Robinson."

And I feel like locking him up behind bars for making you use destiny's name in vain. There was a smug expression on her face. Must she always enjoy it every time she gets me to accidentally spill things.

"So is he coming over?" She asked ebulliently.

"I wish he couldn't." I sigh in much annoyance.

"Interesting." She chimes obviously keen for tomorrow. I secretly hope she forgets about it. Although I'm glad, and as much as I hate to admit it, this topic helped get her off my back. Phew.

Ash stopped fishing through her wardrobe to answer her ringing phone.

"Hello Ashley speaking. Uhuh, you'll be here in an hour? Ok then I'll wait for you all. Yep, bye." The call ended and she drops her phone on the bed and goes back to doing what she was doing.

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