Chapter 2 - First Day Clumsiness

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The hallway was crowded at first but as soon as the bell went, signalling for first period everyone fled like ants in fear of the rain and ran away to their classrooms as their only shelter. Everyone except for Ash and I.

Making our way to the principal's office, let me just rephrase that, we were actually looking for it, but with the help of other students it didn't take long for us to find the office with the big, bold writing that says 'PRINCIPAL', and from there we were dismissed to our classes.

Ash's first class was English and mine was History. Yay! I hope I don't fall asleep through the whole lesson because I am not a big fan of history. Oh well here it goes, I won't promise but I'll give it my best shot.

Plugging my earphones I decided to listen to some music while taking the stairs all the way up, since my history class was on the second floor of the school building. My song selection was Psycho by Post Malone.

This dude's songs are just amazing that I made sure to collect all of his songs. Humming to the song, I finally reached the top and was heading towards the history class when clash!

Landing on my ass I realised that I have just collided with someone or was that something. Whatever it was, I just can't describe the strength and force that it contained.

However, that didn't persuade me to panic, instead the presence of my phone, which was no longer near me almost gave me a heart attack. But before I could react or even search for it, it was handed towards me by an outstretched arm.

Looking up I was about to thank whoever it was when I saw these perfectly, soul-piercing, ocean blue eyes looking at me with expectations.
And these eyes belonged to a fine ass dude with a muscular, yet slim built and dark silky hair which was in a perfect mess, not to mention a dangerously sharp jawline, argggh, mama mia! I kept alerting myself not to slip into a daze and drool like a puppy dog.

Before I got to wander off like Alice lost in Wonderland, he cleared his throat. "Uh, are you gonna take it or I'll just let it fall?" He said mockingly studying my face and his eyes making contact with mine. I let his deep voice and British accent slip into my mind and almost let out a dreamy sigh. Stupid, stupid, Bella.

I quickly realised how awkward this was and stood up not before grabbing my phone from him. "Th-ank you." I say almost stuttering. He smirked and continued studying me. I suddenly felt a knot in my stomach.

"You should be more careful, huh love? Watch where you're going or else... " He paused and his eyes travelled down to my lips then up again. I didn't realise how close he was until he whispered "You might hit rock bottom, next time." I felt the hairs at the back of my neck stand.

There was a hint of meanness in his voice before he left with a cocky grin, not before winking. He seemed serious with that cold expression plastered on his face. I can't believe I'm saying this, but that made him look hot, especially in those motorcycle jeans and a grey shirt almost shaping everything with a black jacket that looks like a warning, reading danger to anyone, never to touch him or else it's execution for you.

Walking in class I found all eyes staring at me. "Ehm, and I would assume you're the new student." With what happened earlier out there, I just nodded and the teacher proceeded. "Well then, take a sit but before you do that, care to tell us a little bit about yourself?" Oh shit, I hate introduction.

I swallowed. "Sure. Um, my name is Bella Marino and I moved here from Italy." With what I said I heard 'oohs' coming from the rest of the class, but it didn't take long for them to become silent when our history teacher I think by the name of Ms. Olivia gave everyone a death glare telling them to shut up.

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