Chapter 9 - Choc Chip Cookies are Heaven on Earth

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"Geez, I never thought that stupid Barbie doll would ever take her grudge to a whole new level."

We were all seated in the living room.  Everyone's face was currently in a shock as they tried to digest everything I told them earlier. I made sure to play what I've recorded yesterday just to prove that I wasn't lying. And after listening to every evil cold truth behind the plot, everyone just wants to tear Alexa apart like a paper. Stacy was busy ranting about what she would do when she walks into school on Monday.

"I swear to y'all right now that i'mma shove Jessica in the trash can on Monday and as for--"

"Ok Stacy we get. If it's about Jessica hooking up with Brandon yesterday, then honey just let em go." Chloe interrupts Stacy before she could finish the sentence and places a reassuring hand on Stacy's shoulder patting it lightly to calm the now frustrated Stacy.

"Don't worry Stacy we'll see how Alexa feels like when she enters the principal's office with her drones." I assured her with a smile, afraid that she might blow up if we don't calm her down.

We all understood why she didn't take it lightly than Felice and decided it's best to let her pour it out. Alexa's a total needy bitch and not just her but her stupid beehive who drone out with her wherever she travels.

"I'm sorry Felice, I'm sorry Ash and Chloe." Stacy frowns with a heavy sob, her sudden outburst surprising everybody. But we all chose to comfort her. Yesterday was enough to prove how much she felt for Brandon and I couldn't help it, I pitty her. Felice gets up from the opposite couch and makes her way over to Stacy and everyone does the same.

"That's enough Honey. None of yesterday's event was your fault everyone was drunk." Felice slumps down next to Stacy who was surrounded by everyone, and gives her a comforting hug. Stacy's sobs were growing light until everyone closed in with a hug. Ash rubs her back softly and mumbles some comforting words.

"Aww girl. We're all here for you. Who needs Cooper when we're all here."

"Yeah Stacy, that jerk's not worth it."

"Look at you, you're Stacy Rogers. You're a top cheerleader who has guys swooning and here you are crying about that stupid accident."

Daphne reminds Stacy with a bright smile, sending her a thumbs up. Stacy rubs away her tears and smiles.

"Screw Brandon and his hoe!" Ashley whisper yells and everyone laughs lightly. Stacy laughs until she hiccups causing everyone to hilariously burst.


"Can we go grab some cotton candy now?"

"Jade you had five of them moments ago. Are you sure you're not high?"

"Fine corn dogs."

Jade's currently whining about cotton candies after we've finished from the rollercoaster ride. And I'm worried she might get diabetes.

"Let me be the one to decide about that. Everyone gets to eat anything they want if you finish that bottle of water."

Fearing her sugar level, Chloe made her drink two bottles of water.

"What? Hell no! If I do that then what's gonna be left for food." Jade pouts and rubs her tummy.

"No problem we'll send you up there and before you know it all that nasty stuff won't have a problem leaving your body." Daphne pats her shoulder giving her an evil, funny grin.

"Ok fine! I'm almost done, see."

There was a look of panic written on her face when Daphne threatened to send her on another rollercoaster ride. I felt sorry for the poor girl. She had just finished throwing up every cotton candy after the first ride. Though I couldn't help but join the laughter.

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