Chapter 18 - Familiarities & Surprises

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Hey there, sooooo I'm not sure if I will be able to update faster🤔, I won't promise but how about 5 chapters each month??😌😜🙃

"I bet $10 if you're able to flirt with the lifeguard."

"Ew forget it, he's not my type."

Chloe scrunched her nose up in disgust and Sammy and Stacy giggled.

"Give me another challenge."

"I challenge you to a swim all the way out there."

I say after finishing my pineapple flavoured popsicle pop.

"First one to make it back on the shore's-

I didn't get to complete my sentence when Sammy yelled.

"Last one there's a rotten egg!"

Regardless of the group of guys playing volleyball we rushed past them, creating a mini sandstorm.

Lucky for us we were wearing beach shorts. I can only imagine an epic fail in bikinis, which fortunately did not happen. Again, I can picture how awkward it would be tripping and falling on your face in front of people wearing a bikini.

I hated wearing bikinis. The thought of having it on makes me cringe. I don't know how ladies feel comfortable wearing it but to me it's an invitation to unwanted attention. I guess the day I start wearing a bikini is the day I find out if mermaids do really exist.

I dove into the warm welcoming water and got a headstart towards the open sea.

With the sun burning on the ocean's surface, everything looked beautiful under the luminous energy in the water.

I returned to the surface with short pants. Racing back left me breathless, though my breathing was stable. I stumbled upon the soft sand and lay there facing upwards. I shielded my salty eyes from the bright sun.

I felt the sand that was once dry, under me grow damp. Despite the dampness I found myself simmering down. Memories started flashing by, reminding me of how much I've longed to be beside the sea. I closed my eyes and a shadow appears, I felt the shadowy presence hover over my face like a floating cloud and opened my eyes to find Chloe offering me a hand.

"Aren't you gonna go grab that $10, or I'll just give it away for charity."

"Wait, you mean I won?" I asked, rather surprised and she chuckled and nodded.

I instantly shoot up from the sand and did the wackiest victory dance I could think of, doing the weirdest moves that popped up in my mind, anyhow, without a care that people were probably thinking that I was crazy.

Chloe face palmed herself and shook her head in disbelief before bursting with fits of laughter.

"Weird child come on."She signals for me to follow, still laughing.

I decided to split the $10 with Chloe and we bought ourselves ice cream.

"Hey where'd Sammy go?"

I asked after finishing the ice cream cone. I got a double scoop of choc chip ice cream while Chloe got the same that of strawberry flavoured ice cream and she's taking her time to finish what now seems like a pink blob of ice-melting monster.

"No worries she's busy over there so we have to plan what to do when we get home." Ashley reminds suggestively.

With Sammy busy playing a game of football with some kids on the sand, we quickly got to the plan, about how we were going to surprise her and thoroughly ran through everything.

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