Chapter 36 - An Undeniable Distraction

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~you don't need a distraction to avoid one~🖤

Jason's POV...

I woke up to examine my surroundings and I found two empty bottles of vodka lying on the nightstand.

I rubbed at my eyes and in doing so I felt a weight over my chest and checked to find this chick fast asleep on me.

I looked at her sleeping body and remembered how good she was. Good isn't the word, she was awesome.

A small smile tugged on my lips as I recalled how I banged her. Damn, I gotta get her number.

Oh shit?! What the fuck is the time now?

I checked the time and jumped out of bed forgetting about the bitch I took my stress out in.

I was running late for football practice and bloody hell it was 2pm. I can't believe I did shit with a chick till five and slept it all till noon.

Hope coach doesn't lecture me for being a d*ck. Although I did sleep with his daughter and she was bad, I was afraid she was gonna rip it off.

Just kidding, I made sure she didn't walk after that.


I parked my car and jumped out with my bag to find the guy's cars occupying the car park. Guess they made it here before I did.

"Hey man."

"Wait I know that look."

"You sneaky son of a b*tch, you got some good ass didn't you?"

Damien says, raising an eyebrow in interrogation and when I smiled back he shoved my head and we laughed.

"How was your one night stand?"

"Indescribable!" I replied to Brandon's question and he broke out laughing.

"You got laid yesterday?" Chase asked chuckling.

"I thought you fought with Cole."

"Yup he f*cked up yesterday." Damien replied for me.

"That's right. My fist f*cked his face up." I added with a smirk.

"Annnnnnd you got f*cked up yesterday, virgin."

Scott joked and I shoved him off.

"A**hole." I mumbled and everyone were laughing.

I scanned my surroundings, realising that we were missing something.

"Hey where's Tyson he's not always late for a football practice?" I asked.

Usually he was always the one who usually sets the mood with his annoying remarks and it just felt strange without him here.

"Oh, buddy, soccer practice took place a while ago and you missed out."

Chase reminded.

"Oh f*ck!" I cussed.

"Damn Jason, how long did you f*ck!"

Damien asked now totally laughing as I took my anger out on the football in front of me.

Scott elbowed him and he stopped laughing.

"On the bright side you're right on time for practice."

"Well let's get this sh*t over and done with." I say picking my bag up and heading into the locker room.


It was the end of an exhausting practice and it's been quite a day.

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