Chapter 15 - Footballers and Cheerleaders

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"So are you still signing up for the vet this holidays?"

The field was packed with everyone practising for the big game between the Cameron High Bulldogs and the North Hills Demons. We were warming up for practice. Coach Melanie had Felicity run through the stunts with everyone. She said after weeks of practising, she expected us to work on our own to show her our confidence and full cooperation and leadership, and that we got this.

"Yeah, totally. I did an interview and they accepted. Can't wait to help out those helpless and adorable animals."

I was excited for the vet. They've accepted my job reference to help out during the summer break and I'm so thrilled to begin my first day next Monday. I heard there's a lot of little children who love visiting the vet during summer break. Now that's just cute.

"I'm glad you sound very excited about your part-time job. I can't believe my parents made me take up dance classes."

Sammy rolls her eyes and continued to stretch her legs.

"No way!" I say half laughing.

"Way. And you know what? I'm attending a summer dance camp this summer break." She complained with an annoyed tone and Jade and I giggled.

"Aww Sammy that's wonderful. I'm sure you'll do just great." Jade twitted.

"Did I hear you right? You're attending The Summer Dance Camp!?" Courtney asks, squealing.

Sammy nods.

"Omg, Sammy I'm also attending that."

Sammy's face lit up as she mirrored Courtney's expression.

"Thank goodness. I thought I was the only one going. You know what Jade, you're right it's not going to be bad after all." She sighed. Satisfied.

"Ok ladies please get into position."

Felice instructed vigorously and everyone moved.

"Is everyone familiar with the cheer routines we'll be performing?"

She asked and everyone agrees in unison.

"Thank you, now that that's out of the way, we'll just have to go through the stunts."

"I need everyone to get into groups of four please. Let's try it out."

Once everyone settled into their groups, she began distributing the different positions to each member in the group.

"Stacy you're the flyer, Sammy and Bella you're the bases and Jade you're the back spot." She finished after giving the last group's positions.

"Ok let's do this."

We started off and got ourselves a handful of audiences who were seated on the bleachers. We had turns to try out the position of the flyer and my heart shrunk when it was my turn. But I turned out to do pretty great, I was impressed about how light I felt when I was tossed into the air. Sammy did pretty well too for someone new. Guess practice does pay off after all. I don't need to tell you how the rest of everyone did, they were fabulous to be exact. Ever since the beginning of practice they've been doing amazingly well. Everyone were super organised and proved this rehearsal to be remarkably flawless.


I tied my curled up hair into a ponytail and as everybody else, had a streak of blue highlight pinned onto my hair and sprayed the edges of my hair with a blue hairspray. Our outfit consisted of the colours blue and white which were the two respective colours of the Cameron High Bulldogs.

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