Chapter 17 - Related Accents

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Dedicated to Kes2817
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You're the best😘👑💖💖

Despite the warm morning and peaceful circulation of quietness, I was moving around carelessly.

I'm definitely gonna be early, but that's if I find that stupid skinny jeans of mine.

I had to ransack my wardrobe but it took me less than twenty minutes to find it.


I thought with a breath of relief.

I snuck in the kitchen and prepared myself a bowl of cereal, before cooking up some pancakes.

After I was done, I wrote a piece of note and left it next to the pile of pancakes that was decorated with berries and blueberry syrup.

I always do this, I like to leave Nanna a message.

"Look who showed up to prepare my breakfast."

Ash was leaning against the entrance.

"As if lazy ass, you can prepare it yourself."

I slapped her hand away when she was trying to reach out and snatch one.

She laughed and then pouted playfully.

"Help yourself and tell Nanna I'll be late today so save me some lasagna."

"Is that an actual request or did you mean something like ' if there's some left '?"

I groaned and she had another laugh.

"Ok, ok, I'll save you some."

I gave her an eye roll before laughing at the funny facial expression she returned.

Some people are food detectors themselves. And my sister is a good example.

I arrived early as I thought I'd be.
We'll be having some little guests over as said on Monday. We were told that on Thursday there was going to be plenty of people visiting the vet, mostly kids.

On Thursdays and Fridays the vet's usually full of visitors and plenty appointments are scheduled. So I guess today's going to be a very busy day.

Thankfully, I'm off for Friday and the weekend and until then, next holiday I'll be back here to help. I've made quite an impressive earning of money I must say and I'm looking forward for the girls day out tomorrow. As for this evening I was thinking of surprising Nanna.

I should be done working at 3 pm.

Stacy showed up 10 minutes after I arrived and we began preparing for the appointments.

I was gathering the toys in the kids waiting room when two little figures popped up behind me and scared the poop out of me.

"Boo!" The other one said loudly.

"I gotcha!" Yelled the short one as he clutched my leg.

"Theodore, Jane where are your manners!"

A female adult voice says in a British accent and I feel the grip around my legs loosen and Jane getting down from my back.

"Sorry, mommy."

Jane apologised to her mom before giving me an apologetic look.

"I'm very sorry my dear, about these children. They get too excited. You must forgive us, they are a lot playful."

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