Chapter 33 - The Bad-boy Treatment

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Call me unbelievable but it was crazy how Jason had been ignoring me, I mean it's a good thing that he slowed down with the pranks. I'm happy that I'm scot-free, but it's just funny for one to just show up at the event like a long-lost pal, like "hey I got your back."

What Jason did back there was a great performance one wouldn't disapprove with. I was aware now that there was more to this Golden bad boy than we all thought. I wonder what else he's hiding under all that black leather jacket. Was there more to discover than just his talents and why do I feel like he was slowly unraveling the wrapper for someone to actually see. Was it because of Marina? Was she destined to tame the beast? Did she break the barrier? Or more importantly, did Jason have barriers and high walls??

"Hey miss did you order two slices of chocolate pie." I looked up to find a smiling Lori looking at me through her glasses and adorable dimples.

"Why thank you miss Donaldson, please join me."

"Are you sure?" She chuckled.

"I can't finish two slices alone, besides cover for a cheerleader."

"Ooh, I see you girl." I chuckled as she dusted her apron and took a seat on the furnished wooden chair.

"Kay, spill it sister. You wouldn't order two slices unless there's something on your mind."

I smiled sheepishly and she called me out with a mouthful of chocolate pie.

"Ok, ok, you got me." I admitted wryly.

"Where's the rest of the crew."

"I'm supposed to meet Sammy at her place for pep talk."

"But I thought I drop by and see how my smallies' doing."

"Awww, you care."

"Of course I do you dumpling." I say pinching her cheek. Lorrie was such a sweetheart, she was like the small sister I've never had.

"Oh Bells, about yesterday." She took her time to swallow what was in her mouth.

"You were just amazing.

"That, right there yesterday, blew away the crowd."

"Don't flatter yourself. That was nothing."

"But I'm not, you were a star. I really loved how you and Jason put much into performing a perfect duet."

"About that,"

"I didn't know he was going to show up."


"So you never did convince him to do a duet?"

She says, in shock, I thought she was about to throw up everything she just swallowed.

"Wait, what??"

"Bella everyone thinks you convinced him to do that."

"Is that bad?" I say feeling troubled by what I've just learned.

"I can't promise you, but at all costs the assumptions are getting way beyond what you could imagine."

"And why would they think that?" I say half-chuckling.

"Geezez Bella stop for a minute and take a look around you."

"You're too busy to see how he looks at you wherever you go. I may be a freshman honey but I've seen how he ogles you like no other. Bells trust me Jason Walker Patterson enjoys every bit of your presence. Why'd you think he keeps messing with you, he has his eyes on you."

I am officially speechless after what Lorrie told me.

"I'm sure he does that to all his fan girls and he's mistaking me for that."

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