Chapter 34 - Skeletons in the closet?

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I suck it up.

My anxiousness.

I look down at my shoes. My rainbow soled vans stared back at me. If they had a mouth they would've yelled at me to ring the doorbell.

Why was I taking too long to do that? Well what if he's in there? What if he's not?

I wondered if it was what almost happened in the dream that had me feeling uneasy about babysitting today or what might happen this time.

It's never too late to turn around and go home.

I reminded myself.

What am I saying? I should pull myself together.

A little encouragement here please.

After moments of switching from one foot to another, I finally made up my mind and reached out and rang the doorbell, releasing the ball of fist that I've however manage to form.

The door swings open and I take a step back after realising who was standing in front of me.

I was expecting Nanny May or any of the households to pop up at the entrance, but guess who..

"You're late, and where's the pizza."

Damien was standing all shirtless, with his bare abs exposed as he never bothered to look up, instead he was busy scrolling through his phone.

"Bruh, get yo facts right she ain't the pizza guy."

I giggled a bit as Diego passes by and throws a basketball on Damien's head.

He dropped his gaze off his phone and began cussing.

"The fu-"

He stopped halfway when his gaze lands on me. His grey eyes flickered and he smirked.

"Yo Dami, where'd you go? I beat you  looks like you'll be washing up"


Scott pops up beside him and ruffled his hair.

"Oooh, damn. And it's Galileo." He smirked and Damien elbowed him on the side.

"Ow that hurt like fuck." He cussed half laughing.

"Move your smelly bums to the side and let my best fwen in."

I perked up to find Tyson pushing the guys away from the door and pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Dude, you showed up. Long time no see."

"Yeah, lowng twime!"

I say my voice muffled against his chest while struggling to free myself as I got pulled inside. Tyson wraps an arm around my shoulder and leads me into the living room.

Leaving Damien to wait at the door and offload the boxes of pizza that had just been delivered by the delivery guy.

"Nah, bruh I'm telling you she just takes it into her own-"

Scott stops midway, when Chase coughed as I entered.

"You're so going to eat my dust Zach!"

There was an LCD screen set up and Brandon was challenging Zach with a game of racing car.

"Well isn't it my favourite Italian. Hey Bella.

"Hah! I won!"

"Winner gets to pick their opponent. And I pick..."

He scanned the room until his eyes landed on me.


I gulped.

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