Chapter 19 - Feelings don't owe you an Explanation

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If you have a favourite character in the story that you'd like me to include their POV then let me know but hey chill I've got it covered.😘😉🤞

Diego's POV...

I wanted to say something to get rid of the annoying silence because it was just uneasy. I wonder what's going on in her head, I wanted to know what happened.

"You seem quiet. Wanna tell me what's wrong?" I sighed.

She had now wrapped her arms around herself in the passenger's seat with her head leaned against the window. She refused to say a word all this time and I knew this wasn't a good sign.

"I'm sorry for troubling you." She managed to say just above a whisper.

"Samantha. It's ok, you don't have to apologise."

"I know about what happened." I breathed and kept my eyes directly focused on the road.

I caught her twisting her head around to face me but I ignored her stare.

"I guess you could say I was asking for it." Her voice was dull and her face was blunt. The joy that was once there was no longer in existence.

"No. Sammy you didn't deserve that." I corrected and she kept quiet and didn't say a word.

"Gawd, I thought I was going to die that night and if it weren't for those two guys, I'd be dead."

I remained silent and never intended to say a word, letting her continue.

"I don't know who he is but he saved my life and I owe it to him big time." A small smile tugged her lips as she said that.

"Did you find out about his identity already?" I tried to remain calm when asking that question but my palms were already getting clammy.

She just shook her head hopelessly and gave me a sad look.

"Hey, don't worry about it too much. Okay?" I smiled at her and she returned my smile weakly and nervously.

I kept staring at her as she ate the ice cream. She remained silent and dropped her eyes to the ground. It was clear that she was lost in thought. I just couldn't be next to her right now, because I feel guilty as hell.

"So what happened back there?" I shoved my hands into my pockets, in hope for a reply.

She twisted her head to give me an emotionless look. Her brown curly hair was in an adorable messy bun, it really made her looks stand out. I had to drool mentally, also scolding myself for being a creep.

"I was trying to help someone who was being bullied by some stupid jock." She sighed but before that I thought I heard her voice crack a bit.

"He threatened me."

"And it turned out he knew about everything that happened." She swallowed. "In detail."

"I met him, Diego. I met the person who harassed me." She croaked and  tears began streaming down her cheeks.

"I felt so pathetic, hopeless, and useless! He made me feel so pathetic!" She sobbed and I immediately engulfed her in a hug as the sobbing got a little heavier.

This was the first time I ever comforted any chick. I know I've been out with a lot of them but I've never really been in a relationship. Thus, the experience of comforting someone wasn't something I got to do. It wasn't really my thing.

After what felt like an hour spent at the park, we were back on the road. I suddenly received a text from Tyson telling me to meet up with him ASAP. I texted back telling him that I'd be there after I got home, but he was persistent.

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