Chapter 1 - Good morning anxiety

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock or is that what I thought it was. Ugh! For crying out loud, this alarm clock is crushing my dreams. Stupid alarm shut the hell up already.

"Bella get the hell up! You're going to miss your first day at school." I struggle to keep my eyes shut and tug  angrily at the covers wishing my goofy sister's voice could just fade away. What in the world is she babbling about, it's Satur- Oh..holy cow!

My eyes shot wide open when I realised that it's Monday. I checked my phone and from the looks of it I am going to be late, because school starts in twenty minutes.

Not if I can help it. I shoot out of my bed like a jumping fish and rushed into the bathroom like a flash. Trust me I almost slipped and fell because of my rushing clumsiness.

Taking less time due to the clock running like a non-stop waterfall, I quickly brushed my teeth, put on a strapless beige - coloured short dress with my skinnies and a denim jacket. I didn't bother to tie my long, waist-length, brunette hair, instead I grabbed a hair pin that was lying on the bathroom sink and raced like a jet out of the bathroom, grabbed my bag pack that was beside the bed and out the room, down the staircase I went.

I entered the kitchen deciding about breakfast. Nah. Who cares, it's not like I always bothered to have breakfast before going to school, besides eating in the morning makes me lazy plus it makes me feel sleepy in class too.

Whatever, then the least I can do is grab something to eat because fainting is not an option, especially in a new high school. I thought before grabbing an apple from the kitchen counter.

"Well, well, well, isn't it sleeping beauty." Interrupted my sister Ashley. "How were the one thousand year dreams? Did you dream about that Charming one...or that Ugly Toad- faced one" she said pouting and standing near the staircase all dressed in her skinny jeans and a cool looking crop top. Her brunette shoulder- length hair was perfectly braided. I really admire her attitude and built, I wish I had a built like hers, well not that I'm fat but it seems like all the food seem to avoid my need, no not a want a need as I always like to put it.

Though Ashley and I are one year apart, some people always mistake us for twins. Well, let me just point out some things not so identical here. Ash has blue eyes and her second name is Katrina but she always prefers to be called by her first name which is Ashley. Aunt Serena says she got my father's eyes and that if she were a boy she'd probably look as handsome as my father, besides the girl inherited every good look from my father.
We usually call her the 'girl version' of my dad.

However, as for me no one speaks much about who I inherit my looks from especially dad, Nanna Serena says I got my mother's looks, her super brown eyes and her beauty as nanna would always mention not forgetting the 'b' word that I don't think suits my appearance.

No matter how much everyone talks about my Mom, I just push aside any conversation that includes talking about her, for she had left us ever since Ash and I were crawling and talking 'goo goo', 'ga ga's'

As for poor Dad, he's always travelling, yeah busy with work. Aunt Serena said that when Mom left he's been very busy trying to be a Dad and at the same time a breadwinner that he asked Aunt Serena to take care of us while he's always away.

Dad's always busy traveling that the only time he gets to spend with us is on Christmas Eve, meaning he stays for dinner but not for the night. In fact he never spends a night at our place.

Good old Aunt Serena is a Filipino. This doesn't mean that we're from the Philippines. You see our dad is an Italian who was adopted by a lovely Filipino family who happened to be close family friends with my dad's parents.

When my dad's parents died in a tragic car accident they decided to take care of him. Taking him in as one of them, because my dad had no one to turn to as family.

Nanna by the way is an elderly woman, but I wouldn't say the same for her personality. I mean for someone her age she sure is one hyperactive woman. She's cool to hang around with and an awesome cook, whose dishes are just out of this world.

"Look it's not funny." I replied my expression as serious as a poster. "Uh love to chat with you my Italian sister but we are running late." She approached me pinching my cheeks as if I were a three year old playing cute and then rushing me towards the door. "Well we would not be running late if you've woken me up a little earlier".

Opening the door she let me exit first with her following behind. "Can you believe it, you sleep like a dead person. Even your alarm couldn't wake you up." She scoffed. "Oh yeah, how do you explain a dead person wide awake now and standing in front of you, all thanks to that malfunctioned alarm clock?" I questioned folding my arms. Maybe I spoke too soon.

Stopping in her tracks, she was now ahead of me, she turned around and studied my face before bursting into a hilarious laughter. What?

"Bella what time did you set your alarm, because the only alarm that went off was around 6 a.m. in the morning... " She paused to catch her breath "And the funny thing is you woke up ten minutes ago and oh yeah the time is 7:56. You should thank Nanna because my dearest sister you were woken up by a car." I just stood there looking as daft as ever while my annoying sister had another good laugh.

"Girls we don't have all day to laugh our heads off. Ashley spare your sister, please." Nanna Serena interrupted and all the commotion dismissed. "Sure thing Nanna" Ash said trying to control her laughter as she hopped in the passenger side while Nanna just chuckled.

Well guess I'll need to replace that alarm clock with an elephant.

Sitting still in the car I watched as we drove through the streets of our new neighbourhood.

I just couldn't help the anxiety swarming like butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

It didn't take too long for us to arrive at the so called 'new' high school for a new comer (newbie) like me.

With her whole body attached to her phone, Ash was the first to step out and I followed after swallowing hard.

Grabbing my bag, I slung one handle over my shoulder and searched my pocket for my phone. I just really need something to hold onto aside from the anxiety.

Clutching my phone I felt the butterfly effect taking place again. Seeing my nervousness clearly showing, nanna Serena stepped out of the car and placed a hand on my shoulder. As soon as she did I turned around to face her with my legs glued to the spot. "Bella, don't worry, I know it's your first day , but you'll be alright." She gently rubbed my shoulders and I  suddenly feel the anxiety starting to rub off.

"Mhmm, and if anything goes wrong, then I'll come to the rescue." As soon as she said that she placed her hands on her hips and started imitating Buzz Lightyears' catch phrase 'To Infinity and Beyond'. I don't know how she managed to make her voice sound like Buzz but she made me laugh so badly that somehow my fears of peeing myself finally disappeared.

Satisfied by her accomplishment, she gave me a reassuring smile, and I smiled back thanking her before walking off.

Approaching the entrance with ash, I turned to see her waving at us and driving out the school's parking lot.

AN// Hello beautiful people😘
So that was the first chapter.. Ik, ik💁💁 that was an intro... but I promise I'll update more... Love you all & please do vote if you liked this chapter❤️❤️❤️

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