Chapter 43 - Pretty Pitiful Lies

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"Oh my freaking gosh! Sammy!"

Chloe was out of breath, as she appeared in front of me. Bella's face was a pink shade and she looked like she's been running for the rest of her life.

"Sammy! Sammy!...." Bella paused to catch her breath.

"Woah! What's wrong!" I felt myself getting concerned about what they were going to tell me.

"I-t's Diego!" Chloe and Jade squealed beside me and before I knew it I'm being pulled off by Bella.

"Why!? What happened to him?" I began to worry that something horrible has happened to him but Bella made no attempt to answer any of my questions. She was moving at a fast pace and there's me on the other hand adapting the property of a kite, flying with the wind.

I realised that we were headed towards the courts and the rest of the girls have somehow managed to be on our tail, except I was the one wearing a look of concern whereas, everyone else with the lot of girls who have already surrounded the area were wearing a look that was beyond mine. They looked more amused than worried.

There was a crowd in our way which Bella broke through, pulling me along with her and not minding the annoyed looks that they gave to us in return for interrupting what now seems like a basketball match between two teams.

Facing each other off, Diego had locked eyes with his opponent. His gaze never left the ball throughout the game, as soon as the game commenced, his attention was anywhere but at the ball. He had his head in the game.

I never knew Diego was damn good at basketball. I watched him dribble, toss and dunked the ball too many times. There was cheering coming from his boys (the SO7).

Diego was winning, the girls were cheering from the top of their lungs along with my girls who were shoving at me out of joy. Most especially Bella, Ashley and Chloe.

The more he scored, the more irritated his opponents were getting and I could clearly see it on their faces.

He was getting sweaty each time. He wiped the sweat off his chin with the rim of the collar of his basketball attire. He ran a hand through his curly hair before receiving a chest pass from his team mate. He was flexible within the last few minutes, he displayed unbelievably incredible skills that I myself was left speechless along with the crowd.

The other school who came to participate in the game remained silent when another one was scored.

Too excited to realise that I was in front, I got a surprise attack from the basketball. Luckily, no major harm was done but then I realised that I wasn't the one injured because it was Freddie?!

Why the hell would he do that?! Just like me he was asthmatic. What if his air stopped this instant? What if he died?

I was furious. Nobody does that to any of my friends and gets away with it. I immediately began searching the crowd to find the culprit who was responsible and caught him instantly, thankfully, by chance because of the way he was smirking.

What the actual hell b*tch? The hell you proud of accomplishing?

He belonged to the opposing team.


I yelled at him and he looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Sammy don't."

Freddie says through groans as the girls try to get him some medical help. Where's the damn medic?

I ignored Freddie's request and before I know it, I was stepping onto the white line.

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