Chapter 29 - Anime and Ice cream

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Game Day

I didn't really put much thought about my outfit, I just wore a creme coloured crop top and skinnies with some gladiator sandals and had my hair plaited and I let it hung down my shoulder. I wore studs and a silver necklace with a heart.

I texted Sammy and asked if we were going together and she told me that she was on her way.

She pulled up 5 minutes later on a bicycle telling me that she had a flat tyre and I had to laugh. Now who's willing to take us to the games? There's one person who's going to do that involuntarily.


Lucky for us Ash had somewhere to go to. Probably meeting up with someone in particular who I am still yet to figure out his identity. Well Sammy and I promise to not annoy her ass on one case and that is if she gave us a lift and her boring ass agreed to that.

"We're so going to pester her when we get home." Sammy giggles, and we did a fist bump as we watched her drive off. That's my favourite partner in crime.

As usual we sat right in front. Chloe and Jade joined us later on, pigging into the food we just bought.

"You little piggies show up to devour my corn dog?" Sammy whined and I giggled.

"Chillex I bought you a jumbo packet of Cheetos." Jade tossed her a packet of Cheetos and her eyes lit up.

"Sammy six o'clock." I nudged her shoulder and the girls fake coughed.

Diego smiles while jogging towards us. Well there must be a gold among the crowd. Oh wait she's right next to me.

I turned to see Sammy smiling, but ours was wider than hers.

"Hey, baby." Sammy stood up to face him.

"Hey lil ma." He greets back giving her a bone crushing hug.

"Thought you said you sick. You kay babe?" He asked with a concerned tone and we shot Sammy a confused look as she gave us an I'll explain later look. You better.

"I didn't wanna miss out, I knew how much this means to you. And yes don't worry baby, I'm fine."

"Awwwwww." The girls and I cooed in unison and Sammy blushed as Diego chuckled.

"You sure." He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his head on hers, trying to be of level with Sammy's forehead because my besties' a shorty.

His fans were calling out to him but that never bothered him he was carried away with Sammy in front of him.

"D I'm fine." She giggled.

"Kay babe." He gave her a peck on her lips before releasing her.

"Aye baby, stick round after the game, imma drop ya off." He winks before jogging off and his fans went crazy.

Sammy blew him a kiss and he caught it, smiling.

"Oooh Sammy I see you girl."

Chloe teased and she giggled.

"Care to explain why you didn't tell us that you were sick?" I folded my arms and gave her a serious face.

There's a reason why I'm this concerned about her. Sammy was born asthmatic but she eventually grew out of it but I'm always concerned for her. We promised each other we would never keep secrets from each other and the girls agreed to that.

"Ok I'm sorry, I didn't want you all to worry besides it was just a little headache..."

We all gave her an unconvinced look.

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