Chapter 8 - I'm not babysitting drunk teenagers

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Arriving at the party, we were welcomed by crazy teenagers each with a red solo plastic cup in their hands, I supposed was filled with alcohol. I stepped out of the car and got hit with the smell of a mixture of damp grass and dirt.

The lawn was filled with drunk hormonal teenagers getting down and dirty on the grass. Have they no shame getting it on in public. Well they'd be sober to feel that but in this state what the hell is privacy. Gross.

Entering the front door of Blake Richardson's mansion of a house we were greeted by loud music and even more drunk weirdos. The place was totally cramped up that Sammy and I had to squeeze our way through the senseless body of crowd. In the living room the music was deafening with people dancing, more like grinding on each other. I figured it was useless talking to people in this state or even asking questions, it would probably make things worse because like I said we just barged through nonliving bodies. Nobody seemed to pay attention to their surroundings and that was totally scary.

Being in a party with over drunk teenagers who want nothing but to have fun by grinding on each other is worse but it gets even worse when the lights are turned down. Like what the hell!? How didn't I know that this was going to be a neon party. Great! things just keep getting better and better.

Now how the hell am I supposed to look for my drunk sister and her drunk friends in this neon mess? No one sober wouldn't wanna go anywhere in a place like this and those sober people would be us.

Samantha and I were frozen to our spot too afraid to split up. Just then 'Despacito' comes on and knowing the outcome of that song I pull Sammy through another wave of crowd not even stopping to apologise to anyone. We finally found the screen doors that led out to the backyard. I pulled it open and we stepped out, the warm summer breeze hitting our faces.

At least this place was quiet with less drunk people. I closed the screen door shut behind me and the loud music becomes less louder.

I decided to call Ash's phone because if I don't we all would spend the night here and be grounded for a week. And no thank you I have plenty of fun things to do with my best friend now that she's here, not breathing my own isolation in my room.

"This is not good." I say after making the fifth call. Calling Ash's phone was now useless. How could I forget it's a party, a very loud neon party that's likely to get an award for best party of the year.

Samantha gave me a nervous look as she bit away on her fingernails. After a moment of silence with me rummaging through my hair like a frustrated seal, she cleared her throat.

"We should split up in order to find them." I gave her an unsure look.

"We don't have a choice Bella, we have to look for them before something bad happens." There was no turning back this was the only way for us to save our own asses from being grounded and also our one way ticket out of this zoo.

I sighed. "You're right, we have 30 minutes left before curfew and we're toast." I recalled. Good heavens where did all the time go?

"Ok so here's the plan. You go look upstairs and I'll look down here." Sammy suggested and without delaying we began our search as soon as I slid the screen doors open, revealing a much more disgusting sight. I can't describe the scene before me and if I were to walk blindfolded in here then so be it but too bad there's no piñata to wack in here.

"Give me a call when you've found them." I yelled in order to be heard over the loud music before running up the stairs and thank goodness there weren't any drunkards near the staircase.

With a house with almost every room filled with drunk teenagers, it wasn't easy finding my best friends. You can't go around knocking on doors because you'll be asking for trouble.

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