Chapter 42 - Comfort Gifts

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Before we proceed, major editing is needed so please don't mind the errors and also I want to thank you my wonderful readers for faithfully sticking by even though there's major work to be done☺️😍😚🤗


There was loud music blasting through the speakers as teenagers gathered around with red solo cups.

The night air was fresh when I stepped out and it immediately hit my skin.

I looked at Diego's direction confusingly as he smirked at me and came to stand beside me.

Skaters with their skateboards were carving it out with some kids getting crazy with spray painting the tumbled down concrete that lay around the yard.

I was about to ask him about this place when loud music came blasting and I watched kids flexibly moving around with breakdancing, and many more amazing moves.

Backflips were made, girls twerked to work by Rihanna as niggas were busting some great moves.

It wasn't a junkyard. It was a Stomp-yard.

As I was taking in the different dance offs that everyone were having, a group of guys and girls came up to us.

Diego seemed to have known them so he went ahead and dabbed up the guys as well as the girls who were giving me confused looks.

"Damn, you must be the reason why Iego loves ditching my ass."

A caramelized dude with curly hair says as he came over to shake my hand.

"Aye Dee who be this cutie?" Came a light skin boy with caramel curls. He smiled at me when I blushed and Diego immediately appeared next to me and the girls chuckled.

"Quit trying to flirt with my wifey." Diego playfully scolds and before I was about to say something he twisted me around to face him and kissed me whole heartedly while resting his hands on my butt.

I heard a round of oohs coming from the crowd.

"Damn! Okay, okay! We see you nigga." Mitchell says with his hands raised up in surrender.

"Wish I had an islander too."

I began to laugh.

"You got a sis, Loha?" Cammy the dude who greeted me first asked and the girls playfully scolded him as I chuckled.

"Nope. Sorry my bruddah, she the only limited edition." Diego winked my way and I rolled my eyes.

"Awiee you too cute to be true Dee." Some girl says irritating Diego and I tried to hold back a chuckle when his face changed like he had just swallowed a bug.

"C'mon girl, let's see what you got." A girl with dark hair and tanned skin says through her Latina accent, smirking and grabbing my hand and pulling me off to the centre where people were having a dance off.

My heart began beating hard against my chest when we reached the dancing zone where different stunts were being displayed.

I felt small compared to them, what was I supposed to do? Do jazz hands and Mexican waves?

This was a complete mistake being here.

I knew I was going to fall on my ass and embarass myself in front of the whole crowd.

I twisted my head around to find Diego but he wasn't where we left him. This is it. Time to wear the Major loser pose and walk home.

I stiffened when someone picked up the mic making it echo through the speakers.

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