Chapter 25 - Bad Boy The Dreamer

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Diego Santiago 🇱🇷🇲🇽

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Diego Santiago 🇱🇷🇲🇽

"Ugh! Why oh whyyyy!"

Mr. Ronald was torturing me. I would've accepted anything other than working with the devil but this was too much to handle. And to think I had to worry about scrubbing the dishes after school but this was worse.

"Gawd Bella, you sound like a big baby goose looking for your blanky."

"Just calm down I'm sure he might spare you this time for a paired up assignments' sake."

"Yeah tell that to Mr. Ronald. Sammy he's going to torture me! Who knows what he might have in store for me this time. He might welcome me with an anaconda or have roaches crawl all over my face and rats bite my eyebrows off."

"Wait didn't he punch your bike's tire yesterday when you were babysitting there?"

"No he spiked Bella's mixture of hydrochloric acid and ammonia with a solution of mixed unidentified elements that almost erupted in Bella's face."

Chloe was standing beside me with her notes in her hands.

"You're freaking kidding right?" Courtney laughs dryly.

"Nope." Stacy shook her head.

"Bella how many pranks have you endured today!?"

"More than two I think." Ashley jokes and I slap her shoulders.

"Let's never forget the water balloon pranks that were installed in your locker."

"And how the hell did he get a hold of your combinations!?" Felicity pinched the bridge of her nose before looking shocked.

"Ladies he is the original JP after all and the one and only. He's a bad boy yada, yada, yada.... etc." Jade reminds us with a ' duh' sort of look.

"Oh my Gee! Are you all thinking what I'm thinking?!"

And just like that, it was like everyone were thinking the same thing, they replied in chorus under their breath.

"Jason likes you!"

Everyone began wiggling their eyebrows suggestively and there I go face palming myself.

"Jason and Bella sitting on a tree,
K. I. S. S. I. N. G.!!"

They began singing in melody and I had to act like a freaking conductor of an orchestra, instead shushing everyone.

"Ooh so it's true huh?" Ashley teased and the girls giggled.

"Yeah Jason liking me is the non existing factor that's going to be happening around here. And I'd rather spray myself in the eye with maize than kiss that moron." I folded my arms across my chest, mentally cringing at the thought of kissing Jason.

Then suddenly the image of making out with him pops up in my head and I felt goosebumps all over. Geezez give me a break from these scenarios.

Thank you Jason Walker Patterson for pulling annoying pranks. I can't believe I got myself a ticket to infernotopia by just confronting Jason during Mr. Ronald's math class. Big mistake Bella, big one.

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