Chapter 44 - Villains With Feelings

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"Are you ready Bells?"

Ash comes through the door, ignoring me who was indecisive of what to wear.

She walked past me with a mascara in her hand. I watched her apply the mascara on carefully to top off her outfit for the evening.

Ash was going as Cruella De'ville.

Don't get me started on all of the trouble we had to go through just to get all the makeup and outfit that she's wearing.

"Don't make me wait for your late ass. Idiot you have a show to perform and here you are wondering what it would be like to fly."

She scold and I stuck my tongue out at her.

I have a reason why I wasn't dressed and she knows very well why but as usual she chose to ignore that.


"Can I not wear that?"

I pleaded as I pointed to the white dress that belonged to one of Tim Burton's characters.

"Oh gawd please spare me Bella. It's just one night."

"Besides you're not going to look like a sick undead bride."

She rolls her perfectly done eyes.

She was wearing a dark set of make-up with some cherry red lipstick and did I forget to mention that she had trimmed her hair to a length just below her chin. Her curled up hair was in black and white complimenting her dress code of black and white.

I couldn't help but envy her gloss black laced boots with a booty sole that was partly designed to look like a pair of high heeled item.

In words of simple understanding, it was stunning.

"When you're done envying my boots, go take a shower."

She smugly smiled at me before tossing my towel at me.

I caught it with a bored look and convinced myself to not argue. I didn't have a choice and even if I did, this was for the charity program, plus I had already imagined the disappointment on Jason's face and the last thing I want is a vengeful prank.

This boy is something else.


"Oh sit still you monkey, before I poke your eyes with the mascara brush."

I pulled a face at her and she shook her head before grinning.

"Keep pulling that face at me and you'll have wrinkles tomorrow."

"But isn't this stuff supposed to age your face? If you ask me, you're the one who never fails to apply this so I might as well hide all the mirrors in this house tomorrow to end your suffering."

I began chuckling as she attempted to end me with the eye pencil.

"Okay, okay. Do your thing makeup artist."

I remained still and let her carry on with what she was doing.

After thirty minutes and she squeeled done with a smirk on her face.

I give her a glare and she said.

"Have a look yourself, but before that get rid of that hideous bathroom gown."

She eyed my baby blue bathrobe with a mickey mouse logo at the far left of my chest.

I gave her a look that screamed ouch.

Unbothered, she left and I obediently followed her orders.

I picked up the beautiful creepy white dress and left for the bathroom.

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