Chapter 39 - Guest of Disaster

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Awoken by my alarm clock, I shut it off and struggled to keep my eyes open until the thought of the Bio test that's occuring today crossed my mind.

I stepped into the shower and ignoring my heavy headache and feverish body, turned the tap on. I decided a warm shower was going to help.

As I applied the conditioner onto my hair I tried to recall yesterday's events.

Fainting wasn't optional, however I did. If there were reasons, there was the letter and the pendant that drove my train of thoughts to a dead end.

Stepping out of the shower, I went over to the cabinet still clutching my towel around my body. I felt sick to the core and I needed to take some medical treatment before I left for school.

Reaching into the opened cabinet, I pulled out the container of paracetamol tablets, undid the lid and popped two into my mouth before swallowing a glass of water that I've refilled with water.


I planned on never telling anyone, even before I arrived at school. The letter, the pendant, it didn't matter. I stared hard at the pancakes in front of me but all I could think of was the possibility that he could be back!

Was it possible?

I battled with myself until I felt my hair being ruffled. Looking up from my happy looking breakfast, Nanna smiled back at me before asking the question I was praying to avoid.

"Anak, what's wrong?"

Smiling wasn't an option it was a solution to prevent more problems.

So that's what I did.

Placing my overthinking, curiousity and weariness aside, I gave her a soft smile and assured her that everything was alright.

"Very well, dear." She smiled back at me before pinching my cheek and going over to wash up.

I didn't want to ignore Nanna's cooking and never had I, for she was always the best. So I had some of the pancakes while Ashley was being a piggy.

I stared at her in disgust as Nanna chuckled.

When I was done with my glass of OJ, I heard Samantha's car pull up in front of the house (who else would peep the horn four times) before she came running in like a five year old. She stops halfway in front of us and sniffed in the sweet odour.

"Ashley how dare you!" She gasped and came squeezing herself between us.

"Okay, okay. Sammy Wammy. I've saved you some." Nanna rolled her eyes playfully, not helping chuckling.

"Nawww, Nanna! Gracci!" Sammy squealed before running into Nanna's arms.

When she was done with her pancakes and grateful compliments, we bid Nanna our goodbyes and we were off for school.


We had 40 minutes to do the test, but since everyone were done in thirty minutes, the paper was collected and we were sent out early for lunch.

I wasn't getting any better so I picked up my lunch tray and left to go sit outside.

Once I have found a place to sit, my throbbing headache took over so I searched my bag for my medicine and took them.

I closed my eyes and swallowed up the two tablets with the help of water.

As I closed my eyes and bowed my head, I felt someone settling down next to me.

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