Chapter 32 - Du-it for Charity

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"It's a try!"

"It's a try!"


I yelled as I jumped up and down. Austin made a dummy and sped off to put a try. He was a track star, he dodged past the tackles and dove onto the try line. With his effectiveness, there was a clear try.

I was currently dancing after the referee's decision pending.

Here I am going crazy over rugby while the rest of the football teams were practicing for a perfect touchdown on Saturday and perfect goals while I was celebrating over a perfect kick that went straight into the post.

"Ha! penalty, penalty! penalty! Bruh send him out of the field!"

"Forward pass!"

"Hoi pass the ball!"


"5 metres."

"Get the bloody ball, make a run for it Austin... and....and...and it's a TRY!!"

"Woohoo in your face Blake! Pay up!!!"

With my crazy supporting, everyone was rolling on the floor.

"Geez, since when did you know so much about rugby you weirdo."

"Hand me my $10." I demanded.

"Arghhh, I hate you. Here you go."

"Man you should see yourself supporting from out there."

Austin had now approached us. He removed his mouth guard and picked up the water bottle that was lying on the bench with the towel.

"I am a cheerleader after all." I joked and they laughed.

"I bet 20 now if that kick goes in."

"Oh buddy you're so on. That penalty kick is going to go in alright."

"You shouldn't be so sure Bells."

"Hey don't team up with Blake." I looked over at Austin and pouted before shoving a laughing Blake beside me.

"I bet it's not going to go in at all." Interrupted a female voice.

Alexa was standing a few metres away from us and directing all her attention at me.

"And who invited the ho-" I elbowed Blake on the side, before looking over at his girlfriend for help. Clearly Blake hates Alexa because she was responsible for picking on his girlfriend.

Abigail quickly came up and Blake was forced to keep quiet.

"And what makes you say that?"

I say incisively and she snickered before speaking.

"Isn't it obvious? There's bad luck lingering in the group."

She says, her voice booming with incisiveness and sarcasm and I knew instantly that she was referring to me.

"Move b*ch!"

It took us a while to realise what had happened. Alexa had just been knocked out by a soccer ball.

Coming up to us with both her hands whipped over her mouth, Sammy was clearly standing breathless in her soccer jersey.

"I told her to move, didn't she hear?"

I wanted to laugh as Austin and I shoved each other, trying hard not to.

Everyone were circling Alexa now. Damien splashed some water on her face and she woke up drenched and screeching.

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