Chapter 11 - Permission to Plan B, Captain

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Stacy's POV...

I stood shaking on my spot as Brandon beat Liam up. My mind was in a swirl and I couldn't make out anything. I watched his fist doing heavy damages on Liam's face.

There was a horrifying scream let out by someone. I realised that, that person was me. Felice rushed past the crowd followed by the rest of the girls and the Solid Seven and comforted me.

"Brandon that's enough, dude!" Jason yells and pulls Brandon away from Liam who looked very injured.

"Man come on do you want to get expelled." Tyson pushed him back as Liam's friends came and helped their friend up. He was limping when Mr Curly's short figure breaks through the crowd and yells at us angrily, ordering us to go to the principal's office.

Brandon was heavily breathing, wiping away the sweat on his chin. He barely got any injuries. His gaze falls on me and I angrily shot him a look. Even though his face was extremely caked with anger and his jaw clenched, I thought I saw something in his eyes, tell me I'm hallucinating but he looked very hurt.


"Mr. Cooper your reasons for throwing a fist at Mr. Hernandez is absurd. Care to explain that to your parents because they are on their way right now." Mr. O'Reilly gives Brandon a narrowed look before shooting us an upset one. Everyone sat quietly in the principal's office as he went on about how interruptive we were disturbing classes.

"So Miss Rogers can you please explain to me how and why does all this involves you." I sat quietly across from my father swallowing a lump.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered afraid of the illed look that my father was giving me. I've never seen him so angry before.

"Stacy don't try to clear their name in this case, they can do that for themselves." Mr. O'Reilly tells me comfortingly, lowering his glasses.

"We were just standing around when out of nowhere Brandon popped up and punched Liam." I guiltily tell them. My stomach sank because I know I wasn't telling them everything. I dropped my head, my eyes scanning over the skinnies I wore this morning.

I'm so dead if I mention what we were actually doing. But it's not like I was expecting him to kiss me. Liam just happened to be flirting. He then told me that he was the one who sent me the letter and then everything happened so fast. He started playing with my hair and his hands found their way on my waist and you can guess what happened next. Everything came crashing down.

It's not that my dad doesn't want me to have a boyfriend but as a parent he told me he doesn't want me to drag him into any issues, especially at school. Ever heard of the saying that goes Every child paints a picture of their parents well most parents and teachers will never fail to mention that. It's a motto in every family too.

"Mr. Rogers I can assure you that your daughter is innocent. So please go easy on her." Mr. O'Reilly says and my dad shoves his hands in his pocket and nods his head. I can tell he still wasn't pleased with me. I can't blame him, it was the first time I ever got in this type of situation. I've visited the principal's office but for different reasons. This issue made me felt like a trouble maker.

We walked out of the principal's office and I looked over to see Liam with a bag of ice on his lap. Once he sees me he waved and gave me a smile, a bruised one. I returned it, feeling sorry for him. And then I realised that this was all Brandon's fault. I don't know what the hell his problem is but he better not show his face because if he does he's going to regret it. This situation would've not occurred if it weren't for his attitude problem.

Liam's parents were friends with my father so they were discussing about the issue and my father was apologising about the incident. I also apologised to Liam and he seemed fine with it although I still didn't. My dad was busy having the conversation of a lifetime with Liam's parents. I can't believe parents, one minute they're talking about something terrible that happened earlier and the next thing you know they jump to their work.

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