Chapter 35 - Easy Target

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I arrived in time at school, and spot Jason and Marina heatedly arguing.

I just ignored them and headed straight for my first class.

Arriving in front of the English classroom, I caught the teacher already scribbling on the board and I knew I was late so I decided to head out to the library and pass the time there instead of hanging around like a lose ant, looking for demerits.

The hallway was so quite, I huffed out at how annoying the silence was. I was always used to being around a noisy environment and silence always scared me easily.

It was a dull weather today and I was wearing the usual, dark blue skinny high waisted jeans and creme crop top that was midway, exposing the high waisted denim.

My hair was an incredible mess, it was just bouncing around my shoulders and half of it had managed to cover my left eye but I couldn't do anything about it because of my hand which was full of books.

I struggled with my books and was about to turn a corner when I heard loud moans coming from the janitor's closet. Oh man, come on I was going to pass by that way, but for now looks like I think I'll pass.

I looked around looking for different ways to get past the annoying sounds of moaning and then the door clicked open and I was forced to hide and wait for whoever they were to pass by.

I bit my lip and waited in silence for them to pass by. Why the hell were they taking so long? You make out, kiss goodbyes and off you go. What's so hard in that?

"Who are we hiding from?" I literally jumped and dropped all my books and did the weirdest thing that came to mind. I slapped the person who startled me right across the face.

"F*ck! Was that for?" I turned around and immediately regretted doing that.

Jason's jaw immediately clenched and I bit my tongue.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!"

"I didn't see you there!" I say trying to apologize by holding his right arm that was raised towards his cheek, still holding onto it protectively and giving me a weird look.

A very angry one.

"Damn, Jason got slapped across the face!"

Damien had appeared with one of Alexa's drones whom I'd assume was the contributing factor responsible for the moans.

Don't tell me I'm a horrible guesser, they had it all written on them by looking like a wreckage.

Damien's little companion smelt like a whole perfume shop, probably trying to make up for the nasty odour they had likely produced.

Her cleaverage was visible and she didn't have any care in the world to hide her important parts. She practically had all the nerve to wear a miniskirt that hugged her curves, clinging on to the skin.

I could tell that she was trying her best to the ability to get Jason's attention and I for whatever reason was praying that she succeeded because right now Jason didn't care about anything but from the looks of it, he looked like he was ready to torture me for accidentally laying a hand on him.

I felt his eyes zeroing in on my face as I tried to ignore his stare by regarding Damien's presence along with his biyatch, only with a forced smile because she kept giving me those looks.

"That's my girl."

"How're you?"

I was surprised about the way Damien had greeted me and it didn't have any good expression on Cheryl's face, I could tell. She looked like a soon-to-be serial killer at the greeting.

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