Chapter 53 - Get To The Bottom of This

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"You're next."

I examined the crumpled piece of warning, my eyes darting to the girl who now had her legs pulled up to her chest as she gazed out her window.

I couldn't tell if it was the fear of the culprit returning to drop more warnings, well in this case purposely intending to severe her feelings by scaring her with more.. like how they had managed to severe her window or other than that maybe she just wished she was anywhere but here.

It wasn't some minutes ago when her aunt walked in and asked her about the damage and the way she tried to cover up by saying it was a bird who accidentally struck the glass had me pitying her.

It's 4:30 pm, a casual Wednesday evening. Despite the fact that I had practice, I chose to take her home. She wasn't in the best state a few hours ago but now she seems calm, almost too calm, I wanted to say something but the silence told me not to.

The cool wind brushed past her as she watched the sun settled down from her window letting the warmth of the rays engulfing her. Her waist length hair settled around her shoulders. She seemed unbothered and it worried me a little bit to see her like this.

The smell of her lavender and vanilla scented room never leaving my nostrils as I flipped the crumpled piece of paper around while I carefully studied it in comparison to Xavier's letter.

I twisted my head towards her direction to see if she made any attempt to touch the cookies on her plate. At least any sign to show me that she was still there...but she didn't.

I realised I feared that the most...her absence.

It was growing on me.. her presence.

I returned my attention back to the two pieces of paper lying in front of me and something caught my eye.

What seemed like a stamp that was barely visible to the eye but immediately appeared visible once I brought it under the study light. I reached for the magnifying glass immediately and placed it on the crumpled piece with the assistance of the light. I quickly pulled out my phone and captured it before sending it to a friend I know who specialises in cracking codes.

Due to me shuffling around I must have interrupted her, as she had now turned to face me with a confused gaze. I slipped my phone into my pocket and turned my attention to her.

She spoke to me in a concerned tone.

"Is everything alright?"

I beamed at her with a warm smile and went over to where she sat.

"Everything is fine Bella."

"You should get some rest."

She smiled sadly at me before looking back at her window in a worried glance.

"We'll fix that tomorrow."

I say patting her head.


I turned a corner my mind striking with anticipation to get the answers from Seth.

Seth is a good friend of mind who I had sent the pictures to for examination.

Seth has eyes set on him. From where he works, he is monitored and can't relay any information over the phone to me. The organisation he works for strictly doesn't approve of releasing information to unauthorised personnel as most of them are confidential.

So here I am, driving late at night to Fogwood Park. It's a few miles away from town. I stepped on the gas a little bit and the ferrari sped past the dark silence of pine tree silhouettes.

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