Chapter 4 - Dirty Mess

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I stared at the black board like it was a television while my cell phone murderer, also known as Jason, kept bugging poor Mr. Dinkley. I wasn't supposed to be here watching the suffering of an innocent teacher. I thought watching how Mr. Dinkley struggled to ignore Jason.

Recalling what happened earlier we tried explaining and reasoning but it was useless our evidence wasn't so solid, it didn't convince the principal.

Come to think of it, it should've been convincing if it weren't for that stuck up red-faced Mr. Curly. Yep I'm starting to dislike him. And since our testimonies weren't that justifying we are here in the prison. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the hell hole called detention.

"Hey twilight what's up." Jason jabbed me in the side startling me. Seeing me flinch made him grin as he took a sit in front of me. Despite how much I didn't want to associate with him after what happened, I gave him a questioning look slightly confused with all these names he's calling me.

"Like your new name?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. Seriously? I feel like a homeless puppy. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "On second thought I was thinking Craziness. Your character is similar to hers." Rubbing his chin he leaned back and gave that name a thoughtful look.

"Leave me alone Jason. I don't wanna talk to you." I simply tell him with a sigh, folding my arms and staring out the window.

"Aw but why? Cat got your tongue or was it a dog." I would be more than happy to wipe that smirk off his face with a shovel.

"You seem to be speaking from experience. One question did that really happen to you?" His eyes burned with amusement as I retorted back, a smug expression plastered on my face.

"That's quite a mouth you got there craziness." He shook his head and chuckled. "I'm impressed." His lips tug into a grin. I know how much he enjoys annoying me and to be honest, being around him is worse than having a tree hugger over for dinner.

"Do you have any other things to do than just being a trouble maker?" I studied my nails avoiding his eyes.

"Glad you asked. I'm quite talented myself." He replied cockily.

"I bet you're so talented in annoying people." I'm telling you my mouth has a mind of its own. Once the words left my mouth I felt relieved.

He let out a dry laugh and I feel myself boil. "Nope." He replied popping the 'p' with great joy. "But I think you've just helped me realise that. Thanks to you I now know that one of my hidden talents is annoying you." His lips curled up into an annoying smile revealing his hidden dimples. And I can't help but admire this side of him. Aside from all the trouble he has done I've got to admit it, he has some killer smile, it's a shame he doesn't really show it. Just then a brilliant idea popped in my mind.

"Well then let's play a game to see if you're full of hidden talents as you say you are." I tell him careful not to blow it. He kept quiet and studied me with amusement and I took that as a sign to continue.

"It's more like truth or dare, but instead it's 'prove it or chicken out'. You see instead of telling a truth or giving a dare, you prove something to show that you're telling the truth. Or you cluck, cluck like a chicken and back out." I sang the last sentence and grinned at him.

"I don't know. I've never heard of this game before. You're not playing a trick are you?" He rubbed his chin, once again giving it a thought and gave me a suspicious look.

"Why, are you a chicken Jason?" I asked with the smug expression still plastered on my face. He smirked. "Oh, you're so on. Get ready to lose."

We still had 10 more minutes till school ends and from the looks of it Mr. Dinkley felt very exhausted by our presence that he fell asleep and we didn't realise it because we've been carried away playing the newly invented game I had made up to pay back Jason and he doesn't have any idea about my plot.

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