Just A Teaser😅

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AN😘: Not trying to scare you but here it goes😪

I heard footsteps inside the first bedroom and decided to walk in and check it out. The sight scared the heck out of me, when I saw a dark-headed girl sitting and facing out the window.

Even though she had her back facing me, I was still able to make out a little detail of her. She was wearing a pair of black converse with skinny jeans that went well with a white crop top.

Curiosity got the best of me and without any hesitation I found myself inching closer despite how eerie it felt. Moving closer I realised the beauty under the beaming moonlight, her dimmed figure appeared to be very beautiful. The atmosphere changed, the loud music slowly began to fade and soon was replaced with this feeling of eeriness, sadness and yet there was this warm and familiar feeling.

It looked like she was frowning and looking up towards the only source of light that gave her beautiful scenery.

I decided to start a conversation with her. "Hey great party, huh?" I say my voice sounding flat. There wasn't any respond, in return there was silence. But I wasn't giving up that easily, this is my chance to start over since I've been through a lot. A lot has happened and I just don't want to talk about it nor think about it... but I hate to admit that the freaking incident still bothers me.

"You're here alone?" I started after a few minutes. I was about to call it quits when she started.  She started softly with a hint of sadness in her voice.

I felt myself sweating, my palms felt sweaty and my heart started beating fast. Her voice brings back memories, and it's been a while since I've heard that voice for a long time. I swallowed hard and let the sound of her voice flow into my ears, sending the chills down my spine and giving me goosebumps.

"I don't know.... maybe" she gently turned around to face me and then I felt myself shaking. Somehow my heart started to race, my breathing was ceased, I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, I was speechless.

Seeing my facial expression she gave me a warm smile, her signature smile, the one she always gives that always makes everything better. My heart melts as I remembered her, she was something different and for a jerk like me she changed my whole life. Everything changed when she walked in my life. She's the one person who perfectly mended me and also the same person whose absence had teared me apart so fucking bad.

The flashbacks started hitting me one by one. I blame myself for screwing up. This was the girl who helped fix my screwed up relationship with my family and what did I do for her in return?? I didn't freaking save her, I was supposed to be there for her but instead I was a jerk- I let her to suffocate in her problems and drown in her tears, but the biggest mistake I ever did was letting them hurt her. I wasn't there for her when she needed me the most.

Lost in thoughts, I snapped back when she spoke up. "Am I a horrible person..." She paused and looked up "I guess so that's why no one came" her voice broke off sadly, still soft.

"You know it hurts to realise that no one cares. It hurts to know that he never really cared. He didn't pick up the phone because... because... he was with so-someone" I watched her lovely brown eyes sparkle and a tear slipped down her cheek. She started to sob softly, killing me softly inside.

"And to think I helped so many, but when I needed them--him, he didn't care... he wasn't there."

Every word that left her mouth was like a broken glass, it cut through my once healed wounds. There was a stone in my throat preventing me from saying anything. Tears filled my eyes when I saw what she was fiddling with around her neck when she continued. It was the silver butterfly necklace  I gave to her that night before the accident happened and before I even got the chance to tell her how I felt.

It really is her, I was too emotional, guilty and frightened to speak that tears started streaming down my face. "I'm sorry" I managed to say roughly running my hands through my silky dark hair. "Sorry!? Sorry!! It took five freaking missed calls to fall and break my skull, Jason." She said bursting with tears. I couldn't think of anything to do so I hugged her tightly, and began to sob heavily, wishing that accident never happened. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't mean for that to happen, please believe me! I-I love you" and softly the words I've been dying to tell her left my mouth. "If you love me, you would've answered the call and saved me from their harmful hands, but you let them hurt me and push me down that place.... you let me die Jason,  you let me die!" She sniffles sadly while I just held on to her, afraid of letting go. "No! No! No!"

I woke up breathing heavily and drenched in sweat. To my surprise it was 6 a.m. in the morning. I've always had these dreams ever since that horrible accident happened. It's hard to believe that she's gone when every night feels so real to me. I wish she was still here so that I could have the chance to kiss her and tell her how much I love her.

Well that's a wrap;) So who is she??🤔
Don't worry there's more to come please leave a vote so that I'll update more😄😂

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