Chapter 22 - Truth Hurts

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Here's the moment of truth hold your breaths, ladies and gentlemen..

The girl in the mirror stared blankly back at me. The glossy black hair has lost its colour and her eyes look really sad. I felt the sadness rub off me. I could feel a thousand feelings expressed by one look. My bag was on the bed with all my books emptied out on my comforter. Rushing, I stuffed every loose item into the bag and responded to the honking horn.

Stacy sat patiently in the driver's seat and was happily honking when I started jogging down the front porch. Is it just me or is she being delirious? She honked at the mailman and he jumped almost climbing on our mailbox. I shook my head in awkwardness before greeting the mailman with an apologetic look then climbing into the passenger's side.

"Morning Jade." I was greeted with the widest smile and before I knew it the music was turned up and she drove off like a maniac bobbing her head to the rhythm and never bothered to wait for my same reply.

"Ok deliriously illed psychopath  you can slow it down we're in a traffic not in a Fast and Furious movie set."

"I just want to get to school." She fake pouts and impatiently honked. As soon as the green light flashed that was the moment I felt like pooping myself.

"Stacy! Slow down, geez!" No kidding my heart was pounding dangerously against my chest.

"Sorry! I guess I got a little excited." She slowed down and I relaxed, catching my breath and wiping off the sweat on my forehead.

"What's the occasion, weirdo." I chuckled and she gave me a sheepish look.

"Brandon um, took me out yesterday."

"Awwwww. How Cute!" I exclaimed joyfully and her cheeks reddened. I'm so happy for her it took her long enough for her dream to come through. She knows how much everyone in the group loves shipping her and Brandon because the both of them look so cute together. We've always been wishing for this and now it's really happening. The forbidden love story was finally being told. Yay.

I was thankful Stacy never bothered to ask about how it was going with Chase. I let her fill me in on her fun filled weekend until we reached the school. The first person I made sure to look out for when we pulled up the parking lot was Chase. With no signs of him around, I hurried into the building with Stacy floating on her tippy toes behind me. She was too absorbed by her heavenly dreams to realise how I was hurrying her here and there like a robber leading my hostage with a blindfold around the bank, afraid that very soon the cops were going to show up and I'll be caught.

It didn't take too long for Bella and Ashley to show up with Samantha and very soon everyone were here. I made everyone follow me to the locker without raising any questions. Everyone were too busy telling each other about their weekend that they didn't realise anything funny about me but Bella being the first to sense anything out of the ordinary did.

"Jade what's wrong you seem like a celebrity trying to hide from the paparazzi. Are you ok?" She asks worriedly and I chuckled nervously.

"Oh no don't mind me I'm just well you" I started fidgeting with my fingers, I didn't know what to tell her. Should I let her know about what I was going to do?

"Jade if there's anything wrong then talk to us don't try to take your secrets to your graveyard." She goofily grins and I laughed half-heartedly. I was about to tell her everything when the person I was most trying to hide from turns the corner. I wished I was invisible in that moment but there was no hiding place, my nervousness was visibly appearing. It was too late he was already smiling wide and walking towards me. Plain grey V-shirt, dark jeans, leather jacket and jet black messy hair was enough to make an entrance and have the ladies eye him. I tried to breathe as I felt the walls around me closing in. Right now I wish that if only had there been a teleporting locker, I'd be happy to open it and vanish, but unfortunately humanity is still lacking the existence of teleportation.

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