Chapter 54 - Trust and Rythm

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Reggaeton lento - CNCO ft. Little Mix

Third Person's POV

Thursdays should sound fun as they were the closest to Fridays but this one had a different feeling.

Jason had just finished telling the rest of the SO7 about what happened yesterday and everyone were aware of the danger that lay ahead of them.

The last thing he wanted was to drag everyone into the situation but how certain was he that they were all not involved when his gut told him that they already were. He knew it was for the best they knew about it before they met with danger unexpectedly.

They knew what they had to do but they agreed to keep the girls out of this situation. All except Bella. She was the main target and she deserved to be aware of what was going on but Jason figured he told her later on that day without scaring her with the fact that she was the prime target of a Russian Gang who were waiting for a perfect moment to initiate their sinister plan.


"I don't know if I'm really ready for today."

Samantha anxiously breathed as she adjusted the straps of her backpack for the fifth time. Guess anxiety was clearly showing as the clock ticked and the hours were counting. She only had last few hours to finalise the steps before the charity dance off.
This is it, the moment she had been practicing for. Her happy thoughts dropped when she recalled rehearsing the steps with Diego.

This thought made her stomach dropped.

"I've seen you rehearse this with Diego many times and the results are always the same."


Bella smiled at her best friend who seemed settled at the words of her best friend. She was determined that she would always make it but just not today, as she was too distracted with the idea of rehearsing alone with Diego.

There was chemistry and she knew it but she didn't want it to be like that, she didn't want to seem too pushy or too desperate. They were just rehearsals and after today their constant meet up would be over and they will be back to focusing on bigger much more important things like the nationals which were a couple weeks away.

Students who belong to different clubs were rushing to get things completed so that they have enough time invested to focus. Athletes were preparing for the scout's visit. This was the busiest time of the term before the hallways became silent.

The dance off was tonight and Samantha's parents had promised to make it to her program.


It was after lunch and Samantha was given a pass to be excused for rehearsals. She was going to meet the rest of a couple of students for practice who will be representing their school at the dance battle finale.

She sucked in a breath as her hands reached for the metal doorknob that led into their dance theatre. Before she could twist the handle she hesitated as if she was buying her a couple minutes to collect herself.


She thought.

Her mind was everywhere but at the rehearsals.

Is it that evident on my face that I'm everywhere?

"Are you going to open that door or should we forget about every win we had just to get here?"

Her heart started beating hard against her chest.

It's him.

She twisted her head awkwardly to give him an apologetic glance as she mouthed to him a "sorry".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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