Chapter 45 - Cool Light

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My phone beeped and I wondered if it was the six o'clock alarm that I'm intentionally likely to miss. I closed my eyes, annoyed and in need to look for the snooze option (blindly).

Once I've found it, I sighed in relief at the absence of the alarm. Finally. I thought and that's when I heard talking.

My eyes shot open when I realised that the talking was coming from my phone. I blinked at it before picking it up to check the caller ID.



I stared at the caller ID that had registered in my phone .. (somehow!?)
by someone and realised that that someone was waiting on the other end for me to converse with them.

"Good morning sleepyhead, like the new caller ID?"

Jason yay... (note my sarcasm).

"Really?? Jason is hot!?"

I complained, rolling my eyes and he was laughing on the other end.

"I know right.. No one would say it better than you babe."

He teased and I groaned in annoyance before hearing him chuckle.

"You'll barbecue me later, you have till 11 to get ready."

"What? Why?"

I hear him sigh on the other end and I knew that was out of annoyance.

"Just get ready Bella."

He chuckled.

"Consider my drunk favour."

"Oh sh*t!"

I exclaimed and he was laughing before he ended the call.

I checked the time on my phone and cursed beneath my breath.


How exhausted was I?

You're always exhausted...

I argued with myself before racing into the bathroom.


I pulled out a white strapless cropped top with high waist blue denim shorts (just mid-thigh)  and paired it with a pair of cute nikies. I could've gone for high waiste slim fit ankle length.. Oh wait you know what... Why not. I'd rather not show most of my skin and also let's try to prevent sunburns.

After I was settled with the outfit of the day, I looked at my hair in the mirror and instantly knew how I was gonna fix it. Since I was wearing a strapless crop top that was exposing much of my arm and collarbone area.. Don't mention it, I'm one of those girls struggling to be grateful for having collarbones but without thinking that I might be skinny. Not that I hate the sight of my exposed collarbones, it's just that when you have collarbones you surprisingly have critics everywhere.

Must be nice.

I used some hairspray and after that, I just blew dried it and brushed it out nicely only for it to return to its natural curly-wavy state. Anyways I let it loose and it cascaded down my back as I gently cleared my shoulders.

I didn't put much thought into make-up but I made an effort to apply peachy colored lip gloss that left a cherry-like berry-like effect  afterwards just to enhance the finishing touches. I realised that you don't need lipstick when you have this.

I took one final glance at the mirror, examining myself. I looked simple and good. I thought as I picked up my purse and slung it over my shoulder before checking to see that I've gotten everything.

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