Chapter 27 - Drunk Fighter

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A//N: Ik, ik, ik, I'm trying to cook up something so here's another one for them🤩🤩🤞🤞

Dedicated to lorrainkaiulo
Appreciate your support 😭😍 blood👊👊🙏

Jade's POV...

"I can't, let's get this done so I can finally leave. It's a perfect Friday evening and I rather not break a bone."

"I don't get it Jade, why do you wanna pull out from the fighting club?" Daphne asks, still lost.

"Do we gotta clarify everything Daphne? Think again clearly." Courtney rolls her eyes and Sammy laughs.

"Ohhhh ok, I get it."

"Ok then shush it you're going to blow it."

Daphne stuck out a tongue at Courtney and I giggled at the both of them.

"Hey, look's like master Yokoshima is busy assembling the students in there Jade. Sorry but it looks like you'll have to put up with the fight, until it's over. Because he's quite busy."

"Hell no! The last thing I want is facing Chase in there. Well I hope not." I shoved my hands into my pockets and paced around anxiously, thinking about how bad this turned out to be.

I had reasons for pulling out of the fighting club, and of course Chase was on top of all of them. Took a lot of convincing my mom to agree with me.

I sucked in a breath and walked towards the notice board, just right outside the room. My fingers trailed along the written information, checking the timetable carefully and once my eyes caught Friday's activity I bit nervously at my fingers and wished I should have visited Master Yokoshima yesterday when I had the chance. Good old Jade.

"What's with the ugly frown Jady."

Stacy says, now standing beside me.

"Karma is a freaking b*tch," I sighed.

She stared questionably at me for a minute.

"There's going to be a fighting match this afternoon." I explained.

I heard a drag of ohs.

"Then go kick his ass Jady." Sammy excitedly exclaims, coming up to hug me and I chuckled as everyone supported by clapping their hands.

"You're all crazy you know."

"And I love you." I tell them and we all exchanged hugs and goodbyes before I left them for the fighting club.

I entered the room to find everyone circling the Sensei. They were assembled in their classes and paying attention to the announcement he was making.

I quickly put on my robe and hurried off to join them, dropping next to Teresa, a girl from the volleyball team.

"Jady, you came. I thought you wouldn't." She greets, literally squeezing the life out of me.

Next time remind me to take action before any declaration. Well I wouldn't say I declared exactly, more like I told them. (the volleyball team) but I never stated any reason why.

"Well that's quite a story. That's why I'm here. But it looks like I'll have to fight my way out." I joked and she chuckled.

"Break a leg, then." She joked back and we both giggled.

"So is everyone clear about what will be happening next Friday?"

Everyone replied back attentively and Mr. Yokoshima nodded his head.

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