Chapter 47 - Football Tales

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I want you - Daniel Skye

"We can always switch seats and go sit there if you want"

I say pointing to the stands at the far outer end where a few crowd were already filling into.


"No. Geezez Bella, you'll be the death of me if Jason finds you missing from the bottom row of the grand stand"

Samantha argued as she pulled at my arm to take a seat next to her, almost begging me to not add on to the scene that had already found an appealing view in front of everyone.

"I take that you still enjoy watching him."

I teased with a grin and she laughed before burying her face on her lap.


I heard her say through muffled laughters.

I began laughing once she sat up with a red face.

"Ohmahgawd look atchu."

Chloe said pointedly at Samantha as she guiltily tried to swat away Chloe's finger.

"You're all making it obvious"

She playfully scolded.

"No. I believe you're making it obvious."

I say with a grin knowing well that she was annoyed.

"And as a matter of fact without any trouble. Say Samantha these prying eyes never lie."

I wiggled my eyebrows at her as I shoved her shoulder.

She pulled a face at me before shaking her head and turning around to come face to face with Diego Santiago warming up.

She quickly stared down at her lap as if they were the most beautiful Ruby red slippers that would take her home by clicking them both gracefully.

Giggling wasn't an option as I watched my best friend run her hand over her forehead, as she pretends to brush her curly brown hair back, but the magic had only began when she picked her confidence to look up.

His eyes bore straight into hers. Call me delusional but they seemed to both have had a moment through a held eye contact.

What seemed to be a moment of reason for them within the tension but she broke it off when she broke the gaze. I wasn't dreaming when I say that his face softened.

Not a smile to be seen but the look of a refreshed memory had unlocked a better facial expression.

It was one that never threatened to mentally and emotionally destroy the girl he felt the need to resent.

The look of resentment was replaced by a look of acknowledgement. Well not at most  but finally... at last.


I sat anxious about the score line. Northern Heights were catching up with the Cameron High Warriors. The score was as 2-1.

This was the second half of the game and I was not settled. I kept my knee bobbing as I bit on my fingers. My heart sank when the opposing team got a penalty. We all stood speechless and anxiously watched the goal keeper. My heart was beating mad hard against my chest as they kicked for the goal. I sank back in my seat as I watched the crowd that belonged to the opposing side celebrate their victory.

Come on boys..

I thought to myself as I watched their face fall when they jogged across the field to take their position and prepare for the worst or the best to come. If they win this they were going to get into the finals.

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