Chapter 40 - Gang-bushed

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Seat back, chill and enjoy, this is going to be a long trip😌😘

If looks could kill, I'd be in the morgue by now.

Even though I was already hating her presence, I just sucked it up and thought about what I was going to start with to avoid the bombardments.

"Oh hey Alexa, what brings you here?" I greeted, asking, although I really wanted to throw a chair at her but let's not get carried away with that.

"Oh I'm glad you asked." She replied sarcastically batting her lashes.

I looked at Nanny May and nodded, assuring her that I got this and she looked worried but Sammy popped up and placed an assuring hand on her shoulder before leading her away.

"How's your leg anyway?" She says half laughing and my hands began balling itself into a fist.

Heaven knows how much I wanted to release a blow her way but I chose not to, according to the amount of humanity within me and the respect I have for the Pattersons.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes after she asked, giving her a sly smile and she started huffing.

"Babysitting? Why? Do you want to do my job? Because I wouldn't mind at all but the kids well..." I studied my nails knowing that she was boiling.

"Where is he?" She demanded through gritted teeth.

"No need to breathe fire, if there's one person he's with, it's Marina. He's probably eating her face right now as we speak." I say with a thoughtful expression, knowing now that she was throwing knives with her looks.

Oh kill me! I'm dead!!

"Let me in!" She charged and pushed past me.

"Hey! Excuse you!?" I say, unbelievably. She did not just step into the house?

"Jason!" She yelled out in desperation and I shivered.

This is disgusting, throwing yourself at somebody who doesn't even want you.

"Oh my goodness, Alexa!" I stressed pinching my forehead.

"Shut up, loser!" She fired and I put my hands up in surrender. I wasn't getting involved in this, I'm just going to give speeches instead of punches, because this doesn't even consider me one bit.

"What's your problem, Alexa? Jason's not even here and you're causing a nuisance in his parent's home."

"Can you just go find him instead of pointing fingers at me? I don't even know what I've done to you."

"Oh please! You know very well what you've done! So stop acting innocent!" She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and glared at me.

"Pweedy Bella what's wong?" A tiny voice had joined us. I turned around to find Theo hugging his teddy in his right arm while rubbing his eyes with his other.

"Oh hi sweetie!" Alexa greets in a high pitched voice and Theo's facial expression changed from tired to scared.

I wanted to laugh.

He let out a whimper and ran to me and hugged my thigh.

"Sweetie is your brother home?" She asked too kindly, it was creepy to Theo he hid his face behind my leg and shook his head.

I picked his little figure and carried him.

"There. There's your answer. You know your exit." I nodded towards the door and she glared at me and huffed before she left to make an exit.

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