Chapter 49 - Dockside

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Not Around - Nova

"Where is he?"

"Where did he go?"

I asked unable to keep track of my beating heart.

I had entered the living room where the whole lot of the gang were at.

"Bella what happened? He stormed off without a word along with Chase."

"Saying something like 'I'm going to fxcking deal with her'."

Stacy reported as Jade came running in with a horrified look on her face.

"oh no no no!"

I exclaimed, now panicking as I tugged at my hair.

"woah woah what's with all these panicking?"

Tyson had joined us and he looked confused like the rest of everyone.

"Tyson we have to go after him. I promise I'll explain on the way."

I pleaded, looking at all of them with a look of assurance plastered on my face.

We raced out of the house, all getting into each vehicle that were left parked outside of the Patterson's residential area.


Tyson was breaching the speed limit and for the first time I wasn't concerned at how fast we were going.

"Wanna tell me why my best friend stormed off like that?"

He asked with his hand attached to the wheel and eyes focused ahead.

"It's my fault."

I say feeling very disappointed with myself.


He says sternly and I breathed out the air I didn't know I was holding back.

"He saw this."

I sighed, pretty pissed off with the bruise on the wrist.

"Well damn..."

"And what the hell happened to your lip?"

He says switching his gaze every now and then.

"Worry about that later.. Jade just texted. She just spotted Chase's SUV heading towards a bar."

"wait what? Which bar?"

"Dockside Tequila."

I uttered.


He cussed.

"that's where most mafia and dealers along with the top traders hang out."

"and guess what.. we're going to be fxcked once Jason starts a commotion."

It was clear to all of us what his motives were.


We needn't to waste time, as soon as we, arrived I opened the door and was about to race in without thinking until Tyson grabbed my hand.


"That place in there is swarming with people who are totally different from what you heard about gangs and bad guys."

He stopped for a split second.

"They are worse."

I gulped as I struggled to look over his shoulder.

Why in the world would someone come here? Why would Marina come here?

I found myself in a serious case of questioning now that I think about it.

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