Chapter 48 - Bruises

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I got you - Bazzi

Tapping my finger nervously on the handle of the door, I hummed to the song that was playing on the radio while Theo breathed soundly, fast asleep on my lap.

It was a couple more minutes till we arrive at the Patterson's resident.

As I was humming to the lyrics of Suncity by Khalid, my thoughts wandered back to the bathroom at the stadium.


"You saw nothing Bella."

She says as she pushed off the guy who was all up on her.

I never saw this guy before. He wasn't from our school and he definitely didn't look anywhere well.. of around here.

He had a sharp look and an accent that gave me chills.

"Mhmm.. so this is Isabella Marino."

He trailed once he was near me. Annoyed that I interrupted their moment.

I gave him a confused, but yet rather a pissed off look. If there was one thing I hated, it was people knowing me without a chance of me even knowing a single detail about them. If he thought he was the one being annoyed, he was wrong. He was clearly annoying me instead of  being intimidating.

I proceeded to ignore him and was about to go over to the sink when he gripped me by the wrist.

His hold tightened around my hand, preventing me from taking another step.

"He talked about you so much."

I stiffened. He had gathered my attention.

The curiosity bubbled inside of me with a mixture of anger. I hated feeling intimidated. It wasn't something he did that had me feeling like a sinking sand rather, it was what he said. The mixture had me feeling like a fizzy drink being shaken up in a bottled confined space, ready to burst any time.

I knew I must've looked shocked when he cackled causing me to shiver. Clueless, I stood still on my spot and watched him turn his back on us and strutted out with a satisfied smirk settled on his face.

If it weren't for Marina clearing her throat, I'd be stuck in my train of thoughts like I am now.. Trying to figure out the deal with this guy.

I decided to ignore her presence as a way to avoid adding fuel to the log that was so desperate in starting a flame.

My hands were a little clammy and my left wrist kinda hurt from his grasp and I wasn't thinking straight. I mentally whispered to myself to get it together.

There was time to think and a time to talk but I didn't want to do any of those yet.

Afraid there will be consequences.

Without realising, I had already turned the faucet clockwise and I was soaking my hands under the running tap.

"You must really love this"

"You should be happy Bella. You're a VIP."

"So tell me how does it feel?"

Marina says with her hands crossed over her chest.

"Excuse me?"

I asked as I twisted my head to look at her.

"How does it feel being the centre of attention?"

You've got to be kidding me. I came to watch a football match and I'm the centre of attention. Really?

"I don't enjoy attention as much as you did a few minutes before I had to crash."

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