Chapter 37 - Morals

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"Did you bring the eggs?" I asked after adding the spray paint.

"Yup. Got 2 dozen in there." Scott points back to the booth.

"Good." I smirked.

"Yo Jason the cop's are heading this way."

Diego informed as he leant against the Wilson's hatchback and finished his work of art.

"Then I guess it's time to go. Brandon. Sunny Side up."


"I say you leave these wimps a surprise and go see babe." I winked at him and he smirked back.

"Roger that captain."

"Now finish up lads." I ordered and everyone started adding their own finishing touches.

I took a step back to study everyone's work of art as Brandon and Damien fired away with the T-rolls and Scott and I took off spraying the walls with paintballs.

When we finished, we caught the cops turning the corner of the street and heading directly our way.

They're always this slow.

By the time they pulled up in front of the Wilson's residence, we were five blocks away and have managed to split, taking different courses. Some have taken off to the alley using the back roads.

"Chase. Give them an invite to Katy's concert." I tell him through the talky and that's when I heard the loud thunderous bursting sounds of fireworks mixed with Chinese firecrackers.

Forgot to tell those shit face that a smoke bomb comes with colours.

Astala bista, dimwits!


Huh, Monday morning. Always filled with nosey b*tches and a**holes spreading rumours.

I wasn't interested to find out what they were picking their tongues into. Because I already knew who the topic was about.

Everyone seemed so busy with the tittle-tattle, time to make an entrance.

I pushed open the door and caught the attention of everyone.

The desperate hoes were trying to become good actresses and the jocks gave way as the boys and I marched into the hallway.

I ignored all these unnecessary attention and headed directly to my locker.

"Hey, baby." I felt my fist balling itself once I heard that voice.

I turned around to find her in the sluttiest outfit. Oh Bravo she even managed to dye her hair blonde.

As much as I want to feed her to great white sharks, I remained calm and let her touch all over me.

"You missed the session."

She whispered into my ears, before her lips brushed under my chin.

Oh heaven please send me a miracle before I lose my temper.

And that's when it showed up.

She walked in with a limping figure and heaven knows how much my heart sank with guilt.

Her lovely brown hair was hung lose around her shoulder.

Even though she was injured she still managed to look pretty.

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