Chapter 6 - It's been a horrible week

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"What in the world happened to you. You look like a farmer who had finished tending to a dirty pig." Ash says studying my drenched outfit and bursts out laughing as soon as her eyes landed on my mud-covered face.

I stood there soaked in mud, my outfit of skinny jeans and a white lace off crop top completely ruined. The feeling of damp jeans makes me feel uncomfortable and my white lace off crop top seems like I've been swimming in a pool of sludge. I accidentally breath in and feel sick all of a sudden.

Let's recall what happened earlier shall we. So there I was waiting for my lazy ass sister by just standing around in front of the house, on the pavement, minding my own business. And suddenly a black Ferrari, out of nowhere comes driving like a maniac. The driver drives past, completely splashing some yucky muddy water all over me. And you wanna know who's the crazy driver? Jason the devil and his evil army.

His evil laughter fills my head as I recalled what happened and I cringe at it annoyingly.

We made it to school, arriving almost twenty minutes late and receive ourselves a first warning for arriving late, from our dearest principal who gave us community service to do before attending our classes. Thank goodness that everyone's in their homeroom, waiting for period one to begin.

'From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for not understanding how much trouble I went through just to get to this hell hole' was what I really wanted to say to the principal. Instead I remained quiet and let my sister come up with every possible excuse.

"May this be the last time for you girls to arrive this late." He said lowering his glasses so that his eyes meet with ours.

"We promise this will never happen again." I say silently cursing inside my head. This is all Jason's doing. The devil comes to destroy.

Do you know how much scrubbing I did this morning just to get mud out of my hair? I did a lot and it wasn't that exciting having to apply shampoo and keep scrubbing till you don't see any dirty water pouring down your face. And after all that scrubbing I now feel like my scalp is sore.

After dumping the last heap of trash in the rubbish bin we washed our hands and responded to the bell that went at the same time.

"You seem quite calm this morning." I say after realising how staid Ash's been. She gave me a confused look with a funny grin. "I mean usually you'd swear to murder me." I say trying to keep up with her feet.

"Unfortunately no, not today. Because Jason has already done so much for me." My jaw dropped and I hear her chuckle. Seriously? Great! Just great!

I hope my day goes well. I pray that what happened this morning was enough hell for me. All I ever did was get justice for my phone and now it feels like karma is after me. I guess it's a lesson learnt to never use karma's name in vain.

"My goodness Bella what did you do to deserve this!" Stacy exclaims in a horrific tone, thankfully she's not screeching like a little girl whose doll got set on fire. We are currently in the girl's washroom trying to figure out a way to get rid of the gum that was tagged onto the edgy strands of my hair.

"Why did you have to mess with him in the first place?" Ashley complains, struggling to remove the gum from my hair but instead ends up tangling everything together.

"That boy's just no good. He'll stop at nothing to make your life a living hell." Stacy says pouting, almost crying.

"Well I wish someone could've warned me about that before I met the evil one." I angrily say tugging at my hair.

After moments of struggling I decided it'd be better if I just cut it off. It's no big deal, thankfully, it's just the edgy end that I have been trying to get rid of, without Nanna finding out.

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