Chapter 20 - The Exchange Student

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It was the usual rush hour of trying to get from one class to the other and I was in total time out, running late for my Chemistry class. I stared at my ketchup stained timetable that was once coated with ketchup. The stubborn stain had spread messily in attempt of wiping it off. How'd I get ketchup all over my books? Funny question, ask Jason. As I recalled, this is what happened...


There was a lot of chaos in the cafeteria. Everyone seemed to be having a food fight when we arrived. And who started it? Jason, of course.

I regret bringing my notes along with me in there but I had no choice I was rushed by Samantha out of the Math class as soon as the lunch bell rang. She was freaking out about the date she has this evening with Dave and me being the first person on her go-to list, she had to drag me into this chaotic zone just to find the others. Dave's little dating programme was definitely getting in the way of our game and we needed to sort it out. We didn't want the SO7 to be suspicious by our every move. But I however am grateful Dave showed up asking Sammy out because if you ask me in that way the boys wouldn't get suspicious.

When we arrived there the floor was caked with mashed potatoes and spilt milk ( let me rephrase that; the milk was splattered all over the floor with some damp food particles) and it looked disgusting.

"Bella! Heads up." Samantha was avoiding fries and she was pointing to a flying chicken sandwich that was heading straight at me.

I moved away in time and in doing so, I almost slipped and fell. I was pretty relieved about not getting hit by anymore flying food but that didn't last long.

"Hey Craziness. THINK FAST!" Jason yelled and before I knew it Jason was already holding a bottle of ketchup and spraying at me. I raised my hands up as my only defence, completely forgetting that I was still carrying my notes.

After he did that the principal showed up to stop the food fight only to get lasagna all over his round face. His last words was an upsetting roar of Jason's last name.

Well everyone left to go clean up before classes and Jason and the SO7 remained back to clean up the mess they started. And that's how I ended up almost showering in the bathroom, and thanks to that idiot I'm running super duper late.

I stopped in front of the school bulletin to read the daily headlines and something caught my eye. There was a poster put up by the arts class, it was general to anyone one who was interested but what caught my attention was that it was a charity programme to raise funds for the orphanage and that was a pull-factor that had me interested. All who are interested were to meet in the theatre after school. So that's where I went. After I got myself signed up for that I left with Samantha. We promised to help her get prepared for her date this evening, so we got started as soon as we arrived at her place.

Sammy picked out a purple highwaist dress with navy blue ballerina flats. She wanted her makeup and hair to be simple, so Courtney applied a light, decent, coloured eye shadow with limited amount of blush. We avoided using mascara. The lipstick was a pinkish gum colour that blend in with her curly waves. She topped it off with her birthday present (the bracelet), some earrings and her purse.

Mrs. Martinez was in the kitchen busy preparing dinner when her daughter gracefully descended from the stairs.

"And now we present to you the beautiful Miss Universe." I cleared my throat and Ash and the girls started making the beat of the drumroll.

Mrs. Martinez laughs and came over to study her daughter.

"So what do you think, Mama?" Sammy asks twirling around in her dress.

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