Chapter 14 - Eat Problems for Breakfast and Expect them for Dinner

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Weeks later...

"Yes, three more weeks and it's the summer break. Ooh, ooh!"

"Sorry to break it to you Sam but those three weeks are going to be brain torture."

Jade, Stacy, Sammy and I sat down on the bench outside to have our lunch. Because we always spend our lunch in the cafeteria, I decided that it wouldn't hurt if we tried escaping the noise and enjoy the view of green grass and tall trees. And instead of breathing gossips in there, inhale the fresh air for once.

"Bella don't be such a joy kill."

Sammy flashed me an uninterested look regarding what I've said that totally bursted her bubble.

"I would love to laugh at your expression but I'm too busy enjoying the view."

Stacy was munching on her carrot. She had made a new policy about vegetables against junks at lunch and she seemed to be sticking to her word very well. It all started when she got a rabbit from the vet and I'm impressed with what she's been telling me about the vet lately. There's a job vacancy offered to kids every holiday and I'm thinking of stepping in as one of the helpers there. My love for animals grew when I was watching those videos on heaventube, an account I followed on Instagram.

"Go ahead enjoy, you've spent too much time breathing the dust of those library books."

"Hey, ok I offered to help the librarian. She's a nice lady."

"Nice enough to throw a book in my face. She hates me." Jade expresses, disagreeing.

"Because you're noisy."

"Am not." She scoffs at Stacy.

"The last time you entered the library, you were screaming my name so loudly and oh you bring crunchy food into the library every time you visit."

Stacy pointed out and a sheepish smile crawls onto Jade's face.

"Oh my cricket stew!" Sammy exclaimes surprisingly at her phone.

Stacy looks at her carrot before trying to vomit. The three of us stared confusingly at each other then gave Sammy a look that asked are you ok?

"You all have to see this."

We all peeped at her phone that she set on the table.

It was a video taken in the boy's washroom. There were a bunch of boys surrounding a familiar figure. And they seemed to be having a heated argument with the familiar dude. They started shoving him and he laughed.

Sammy turned the volume up so that we can clearly hear what they were arguing about.

"And you know what she said about you? She said you didn't know how to fuck." The familiar accent of Jason Patterson floats into my ears followed by an intimidating laugh.

"Shut the fuck up you son of a bitch!" The dude with blonde hair in front of the group of five guys yells and points an angry finger at Jason.

"Chill man. I just borrowed her." Jason chuckles. And as soon as he did Mr. blonde threw a punch but instead left an ugly mark on the wall. Jason was quick to move avoiding the group of guys who gained up on him.

My jaw dropped when he took them all out without wasting any time. Once he spotted the person taking the video the video paused and I assumed that person must've drank the toilet water before this video was even posted.

"What the?? Is that Jason." Jade's mouth was now an open net for flies.

"As always, troublemaker." Stacy answered surely. We packed up and stood up from the bench responding to the bell, as soon as it rang.

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