Chapter 21 - Dinner at the Mansion

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I stared hard at the ice cream filled freezer of delicious sensations. It was difficult deciding about the different types of flavours that stared back temptingly at me. I could hear them calling out to me, chanting pick me.

The music was making it even hard to concentrate and settle on a simple decision. Timber was playing throughout the shop and suddenly my two feet were easily tapping to the jam.

Nanna, the girls and I came here to shop for some of the ingredients she needed for pizza. Basically, the pizza sauce and also the necessary ingredients for pasta. I'm so excited for this evening's dinner. As usual the whole army that's made up of the girls are spending the day at our place and they have decided to have a cook-off Saturday. Hearing this made Nanna smile. She had grown fond of having the girls over.

They showed up with heaps of groceries and began their little food programme right away. As I remembered,  Chloe and Stacy were working on tacos, Ashley was preparing the potato salad, Courtney was busy with the sandwiches and Felicity was putting a tray of cupcakes into the oven when we left. And here we are at the supermarket. Jade was helping Nanna looking for the ingredients needed to make a Filipino dish and Sammy and I split off, each taking half of the items on the list. Finally, after picking up everything, we calculated the total amount of the groceries and it turned out we had an extra change left from what we've contributed. So here I am undecided and standing in front of the love of my life. There's another one in the refrigerator back home but for the sake of a majority, two more needs to be purchased.

Making up my mind, I selected cookie monster and Bubblegum flavoured ice cream. I slid the door closed and was about to march off when two tiny hands were softly wrapped around my legs in embrace.


I looked down to see none other than little Theodore Patterson toothily smiling at me. His hazel hair was swerved over his small face and he was wearing a grey shirt that had a picture of Batman on it. I quickly placed the shopping basket down and picked him up adorably and hugged him.

The blue flecks in his eyes lit up with joy and I couldn't help but watch his reaction in awe.

"Theo you shouldn't run off like that. Oh my dear sorry about that I just couldn't stop him, once he spotted you he became unstoppable."

Pushing the shopping cart full of groceries while clutching a shopping list in her hand, Mrs. Patterson had now approached us. The look on her face told me she was exhausted, probably from running after her bubbly son.

"Mrs. Patterson what a pleasant surprise running into you." I chuckled and greeted her.

"Yes my darling and to you too. How have you been?" She kindly asks with a friendly smile.

"I'm good." I soothingly tell her.

"Vanessa! It's good to see you again." I turned to find Nanna and the girls approaching us. After hugging it off for what seemed like a long-time-no-see greeting, the conversation was back on track.

"You two know each other?" I asked, surprised.

"Oh yes Bella. She's one of my friends that I met at the barbershop."

"How silly of me I should've guessed it long enough that you were related to Serena." She ruffled my hair playfully and began shaking hands with the rest of the girls.

Sammy and Jade mirrored my expression. The ultimate look of shock and confusion was plastered on their faces while they were introducing themselves.

"Anyway it was nice running into you beautiful ladies. Would love to have tea with the whole lot of you sometimes."

"Indeed my dear. Indeed."

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