Chapter 52 - Threats

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This Town - Sasha Sloan ft. Zedd

"Most certainly not."

Bella says standing up and walking away from what Jason had her to listen to. He had found a lead but she was not in favour of the plan.

"The letter please."

Bella gave him a look of displeasure before she went over to the drawer to retrieve what he had requested for.

It was still in its little envelope.

She handed it over to him and he pulled out the letter and began examining it. She noticed that he wasn't reading, in fact he was searching for what seemed like a clue.

He flipped the envelope around looking for something that would most likely point it out to them. Until something of value slip out from the envelope.

The pretty necklace with a Russian word pendant gracefully finding it's place on the bed. His eyes shoned in astonishment before he looked at Bella to find her expression replaced with a look similar to a dull day.

"It's a gift -"

"from Xavier."

Jason completed and watched her gaze drop before she nodded.

"What are you looking for?"

She found herself asking that question.

"There has to be a source to where this letter came from."

"What do you mean Jason? It could be customised."

She reasoned.


Jason replied as he rushed to the study table and lamented both the letter and envelope under the study light.


"Have you considered that this letter and River could be connected."

Bella was starting to take into consideration what he was assuming.

"Ah no.. Remember curiosity killed the cat."

"Don't do this Bella."

"I'm trying to protect you-everyone."

She interrupted never giving Jason a chance to speak.

Her response surprised Jason.

"And I'm trying to protect you Isabella."

His face softened.


"I would've saved him that night."

"I was there when the vehicle he was in got smashed into pieces."

"You made him weak. He couldn't complete something so simple."

"Xavier had to die! "

Bella shot up straight from bed. Her temples racing and sweat dripping from her head.

It was a dream, a dream that felt so realistic. She felt like she had survived a car crash because that was where she was a couple of minutes ago before she came tumbling back into reality almost out of breath and dehydrated.

She checked her phone on the night stand. It was 2:00 am sharp.

She ran a hand over her face before her vision adjusted allowing her to watch her step before she left the sheets, her mind focused on getting to the kitchen.

Withdrawing her water bottle from the fridge she took a sip in which she ended up gulping everything down in need to replace the amount of liquid that she lost from sweating.

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