Chapter 10 - Who knew crushing was harmful

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"Does it really have to rain on my first day here on Cameron High?" Sammy was right, waking up this morning to a rainy Monday made me want to remain in bed and forget about school. It had been raining ever since yesterday and the day before.

My plans about showing Sammy around the school has officially been interrupted. So here we are standing around my locker waiting patiently for the start of a boring day to begin.

"Don't worry I'm pretty sure it's going to end very soon."

"Yeah right I was looking forward for a morning tour around the school."

"We have all day for that, chill we'll be touring around before you know it."

I assured her with a smile. Just then the whole crew came to join us. They greeted us warmly and Stacy had to squeeze the life out of me. I'm glad she seems more than ok this morning. I returned her hug immediately. And also did the same to everyone, missing their presence. It's funny I haven't seen them in a day and I still missed them.

After greeting everyone I realised that one person was missing.

"Hey where's Jade." I asked and Ash answered.

"She's sick, the cotton candy gave her high fever." I found myself quite puzzled after hearing about that.

"The idiot was playing in the rain as soon as she got home." Daphne explained further.

All everyone could make out was an ' oh ' in unison before Ashley and Felice started laughing.

"I was going to tell you on Saturday evening but you were with a date so it had to wait." Ash teased and everyone's eyes grew wide with amusement.

"Ooh I wonder who." Sofia cooed.

"It wasn't a date."

"You're right. A study date."

I groaned at Ash's annoying remark.

Everyone looked too interested and started begging Ash to spill.

"Who else, Walker." A gasp escaped everyone's lips and Ash kept her eyes straight at me.

Next thing you know everyone were completely teasing, annoying the shit out of me.

"Would you all stop that it was just an assignment that we had to work on together." I protested wryly.

"OK, ok, we get it no need to be so feisty." Sammy pats my head and everyone giggles. I sighed.

"Is she doing ok?" I asked again ignoring the girl's funny comments.

"Well yeah. She's on medication, we dropped by at her place and her mum says she'll be attending school tomorrow." Chloe informs and everyone keeps quiet.

"That's great news." Ashley warmly says and everyone agrees with a bobbing head.


"Now that's the bell may I have all your assignments before you exit the door." Mr. Ronald instructs fixing his bowtie. The bowtie looked like it was strangling him to the point where in anytime soon he might suffocate.

After I handed in my assignment, Sammy and I made an exit before anybody else could. And I noticed that the whole class looked like zombies. I now clearly understand why the only exit wasn't crowded, it's Monday.

"Do I have to dig soil on the first day of the week." Sammy grumpily complains and I giggled.

"Hey look on the bright side, at least we have math class together." I tell her cheerfully.

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