Chapter 28 - After-fight Confessions

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Chase's POV...

I walked out quick from the backroom after gathering my staff, but the crowd of girls were blocking my only exit. Some were pushing their butts towards me in desperation as I tried to walk past them.

I wanted to get past them asap before I lose her. I only caught the back of her long black hair that bounced around her as she moved in a rush to get outside, parting her way through the moving crowd. She was in a rush and I couldn't call after her also, because of the loud music.


"Man, congrats on the fighting match, you clearly broke a leg." Tyson as usual was cracking his usual jokes.

"Hey Chase congrats on winning that championship. Thought we congratulate you."

Samantha and Bella walked up to us greeting everyone in the group. Diego plants a kiss on her lips, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Aye goofball, how are you, aren't you supposed to be at practice?" He asked wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Dork. We don't have rehearsals this afternoon. I came to return your shirt."

Everyone gave them a suspicious look  as Diego raised an eyebrow.

"You left it on the bench the other day,  you dummy." Sammy rolled her eyes.

"I thought I left this at yo house" Diego teased and everyone laughed as Sammy jabbed him in the side.

"Bella, you're running late remember? You said you were going to pick up the musical notes." Stacy reminded coming up to us.

"Oh hey Stacy sorry Brandon's at the football practice, you missed him."  Tyson jokes and Stacy gave him a pissed off look.

"Boo hoo, hold the wedding bells I'm not here for him."

"Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark on Brandon's ego."

Stacy rolls her eyes as everyone laughed.

"Actually, I was going to give Pennywise's wife a ride back to the school." She finished, jabbing Bella in the side.

"Holy fudge cake! I'm running behind the time! Where the hell is that child?"

Bella started pacing back and forth, in panic.

"Ah, if you're talking about Austin then he left with Blake and Dave."

"Don't look at me the two idiots pestered him to take them surfing. I hope the two of them drink up all that saltwater."

"Fine whatever let's just leave before the school gate shuts."

"Chill your horses, we're going. Nice chatting with you people. Stacy here signing out." Bella dragged Stacy and they sped off.

"Bye guys." Sammy was about to follow after them when Diego grabbed her hips, pulling her back.

"Hol up, Moana. Where's my goodbye kiss?" Diego pouts and the girls chuckled.

Sammy slapped his chest playfully, giggling before their lips moved in sync.

Diego always had a thing for Samantha ever since she showed up. He never stopped talking about her after she started talking to him.

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