Chapter 38

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"Sweetheart are you ready?" Josh called coming back into the cabin from packing up the car. It was time for them to go back home. It had been a great weekend; they really enjoyed their time together. Josh would be leaving in a few days for three months, and he had rehearsal with the band so the next few days would be shot. They were heading to his moms and dads for thanksgiving dinner today. Ella came out of the bedroom, he looked up at her as she came out of the bedroom. She had on a white dress with flora print on it; her hair was up in this twisty thing. She looked beautiful.

"The car all packed?"

"Yes it is." Josh said pulling her to him by placing his hands on her hips. "I want to take you back in the bedroom and have my way with you."

Ella smiled at him. "Babe we never left the bedroom yesterday at all, except to eat and go to the bathroom. You think you would be tired."

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I will never tire of you, I love making love to you baby." He said kissing her lips softly. "We really need to get going; mom will kill us if we are late for her big shingdig."

"I can't wait to get my hands on my boys." Ella said as Josh took her by the hand and led her out to the car, he opened the door for her, waited for her to get in and he shut the door.

The drive back into the city was quiet. Josh sang along softly to the songs on the radio. Ella closed her eyes and tried to sleep. She must have fallen asleep because before she knew Josh was waking her up as they were at his parents.

They went inside, the smells of food was overwhelming.

"Hi guys." Sara his sister said as they came in. "How was the weekend?"

"Good." Josh said.

"It was really good.'' Ella said shoving her hand in Josh's sisters face.

"Oh my god." Sara squeeled. "You two are back together and getting married."

Josh nodded his head smiling really big.

"Congratulations." Sara said hugging each of them. "Do mom and dad know?"

Josh nodded his head. He had told them when he had dropped the boys off, who just came running into the room.

"Josh." Liam said running over and grabbing his leg. "Up." Josh bent down and picked up his son. "Hey buddy." He said hugging the little guy. Landon ran right to his mother and did the same. Ella picked him up and gave him a big hug, held him for a minute and switched boys with Josh. The boys were so happy to have their parent's home.

Josh and Ella played with the boys all afternoon waiting for supper. The boys were so active; they were climbing all over Josh. He was such a big kid. Ella's stomach was sore from laughing at them.

After supper Ella was helping Josh's mom in the kitchen, cleaning up the dishes.

"Have you guys set a date yet?"

Ella looked up from what she was doing, "Ummmm nope, haven't even talked about it."

Corlynn smiled softly. "Do you want a big wedding?"

"Haven't really talked about it. Probably not overly big." Ella said softly. "He is pretty much going to be on the road for the next little while so I don't know when we will get the chance to plan anything."

"Well I am glad he came to realize how good you are for him. I am glad you are going to be part of this family. The boys are just the best little things. Thank you."

Ella smiled at Josh's mom. "Thank you for raising such a great man. I adore him."

"You talking about me?" Josh asked grabbing a slice of leftover turkey off of the platter that was still on the counter.

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