Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Ella went home; she picked the boys up not mentioning a word about anything to Josh mom. She didn't want anyone to know until she knew what the hell was going on. She was upset, had a hard time not to cry when she thought about the possibility that she might lose Josh. She just wanted everything to work out.

The boys were so happy to see her, they attacked her as soon as she arrived at Josh's parent's house, they had gotten bigger and they were saying more words. She loved her babies. It was late when she arrived in van city, so they fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Ben had come home with her; he couldn't leave her in the shape she was in. Ella was so glad he was with her, to help her with the babies when she wasn't even feeling like getting out of bed.

She stood over by the huge window in the living room that looked out onto the deck, which in turn looked down over the beach. The moon glistened off of the water.

"The monsters are all snug in their beds." Ben said coming up behind her placing his hands on her shoulders. "Come sit." He said dragging her over to the huge leather sofa. "L I wish I could make it all better for you."

Ella smiled softly at Ben. "I know if I wouldn't of ran into Josh that day at the park in Halifax, we would still be there , I would never of told him. Which may have been the right thing to do, I wouldn't know the pain I feel right now. Then I think if I would have told him the moment I found out I was pregnant, everything would be different too."

"Hun, don't beat yourself up. There is nothing that can be done now. Whatever is meant to be will be."

"Ben I want Josh in my life more than anything." Ella said as the tears started to fall. "He is amazing. He is talented, smart, loving, funny, a douche." She said laughing a little through the tears. "He is good with the boys, and I just love him."

"Not to mention sexy as hell." Ben said smiling, making Ella smile back at him. "Are you going back to work?"

Ella sighed. "Nope I am not."

"Well L , if things don't work out between you and Josh , you will need a job."

"Nope I will take him for half of everything." She laughed. "I am joking. I am going to take a leave of absence."

Ben pulled her into his arms. "I punched him yesterday."

Ella pulled back and looked at Ben. "Who?"

"Josh.....knocked him of off his feet, he was bleeding."

"Ben!" she scolded. "You shouldn't have done that."

"He deserved it. He was being a cocky bastard."

Ella settled back into Ben's arms.

"You know if I wasn't gay, you would be my first choice." Ben said as he held his best friend


"You are so beautiful." He said as he played with her hair. "You are an amazing person, smart, loving and caring. If Josh chooses to walk away, he is a really stupid man."

"I love you Ben." Ella said yawning and stretching. "Let's go to bed. I want you to crash with me. I don't want to be alone." She said standing up and pulling him to his feet.

"Love you too L." he said hugging her and kissing her on top of her head. "Let's get some sleep. The monsters will be up early, and they are still a little nervous around me. I can't let you sleep in."

"I know." Ella said pulling him behind her up the stairs. "Come on I am tired."

They got settled in to bed, Ben held Ella while she cried herself to sleep. He wanted to kill Josh right at that giving moment for making his best friend feel so hurt and broken.

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