Chapter 24

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Ella had been in Vancouver now for three days now. This was her first break away from the twins. The nanny that Sara hired was amazing. Sara had done pretty good. Her and Sara were going to a fitting, for both of them and then Sara was taking Ella shopping.

"Starbucks?" Sara asked as they drove towards downtown.

"I would love a coffee......I pumped off enough Milk to last a few days, so coffee and alcohol will be consumed."

"The boys are pretty amazing." Sara said smiling. "You are going to have your hands full with Liam. He is so active."

"I know......he is going to turn my hair grey." She laughed.

"You look really good Ella." Sara said commenting on Ella's appearance. She had a vibrant blue sundress on. "Having those boys was good for your body. You're hot."

Ella chuckled. "Sad part once I stop nursing the boobs will leave. I am just glad they didn't make me stay fat. I ate like a pig the whole time. I can't wait for you to have a baby. It has to be a girl....."Ella stated smiling at Sara.

"I think we will wait a year or two." Sara pulled into a parking spot. "We will just leave the car here, it is a beautiful day, we can walk."

Ella got out of the car and stretched. "It is weird not have a baby in my arms."

"You are an amazing mother."

"I try. Come on I need coffee."

They went into Starbucks, Ella checked her phone while they were waiting in line. She looked up and her heart skipped a beat or spazed in her chest. Josh was looking right at her. He looked amazing, he grinned at her and came over to her and Sara.

"Hey Ella." He said taking her into his arms and hugging her. He hugged her tightly. He pulled back and looked at her. "Wow you look amazing."

"Thank you." She said softly. "How have you been?" she asked knowing that he been going through a lot with his break up with Nikki.

"I have been keeping busy. Mike actually just sent me here from the studio."

"Oh he did, did he. You lost on rock paper scissors again." Sara asked laughing.

"That dude never lets me win." Josh said rolling his eyes.

Sara laughed. Ella just watched him, she could see the sadness in his eyes.

"What are you ladies up too? We are going to be at the studio all day and probably most of the evening. You two should stop by?"

"We have a fitting, then I need to take this one shopping, but we can drop by before we go back to the hotel. Is that okay with you Ella, you don't think Ben will need you before that."

"Ben?" Josh asked.

"He is my roommate and friend. I think he will be ok, I will check on" she started then stopped herself quickly. "I will check in with him first."

Josh pulled Ella into a hug again, squeezing her. "It is so nice to see you sweetheart." He said softly. "I will see you later."

Ella couldn't breathe, but she didn't care. His arms felt good. He still had the same effect on her, he was so sexy and hot. "Nice to see you too." She smiled as he released her. He winked at her and walked away.

Sara watched Ella check him out as he walked away. "Nice ass eh?"

Ella laughed. "Did he always wear pants that tight?"

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