Chapter 26

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The next evening was Sara and Mikes bachelor and Bachelorette parties. Sara was so excited to be able to go out and have some fun with the girls and then meet up with the guys later in evening and have fun together.

She had gotten a call earlier in the day from Ben, he told her that Ella had been crying all day, and she would not talk to him about anything. Sara was going to go find out what was wrong with her best friend.

"Why is there always much drama when Ella is around?" Mike asked watching his beautiful fiancé get ready to go out for the evening and have fun.

"Mike don't start please. I know you have issues with Ella, but she is my family and you have to get use to her." Sara said finishing her makeup. "You have no idea about anything in her life Mike."

Mike got up from the bed, walked over to Sara. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder and looked at her in the mirror. He sighed.

"I am sorry babe, just that whenever she is around, Josh gets bitcher than normal."

Sara smiled turning herself in Mike's arms; she smiled at him before she kissed him softly. "We need to get them back together."

Mike looked at Sara, he could see the wheels turning in her head. "What are you up too?"

"When when leave the bars tonight, make sure Josh gets in the second Limo. I am going to make sure Ella is in that one, and I have arranged for the driver to take the long way back to the hotel we are partying at after. So they will be stuck, alone in the limo together."

Mike shook his head. "How do you think that will help?"

"Well....." Sara started and left Mike arms going across the room to the closet to find shoes. "Josh is still crazy about her right?"

Mike shrugged his shoulders. "Yes he is or he wouldn't act such a little bitch."

"I know Ella is crazy about Josh......get her drunk..........and two horny people in a car that are attracted to each other......they won't be able to keep their hands to themselves."

"You have it all figured out don't ya?"

"Yes.....yes I do." She smiled and came across the room and kissed Mike again. "You have fun tonight.....but not too much fun." She teased before leaving the room.


Sara arrived at the hotel; she was on her way up to Ella's suite. She had called and texted Ella all day but she would not answer or respond.

Sara walked into the suite; Ben was sitting on the floor with the babies. Liam squeeled at her when she walked through the door. She had been trying to spend as much time with the little guys as possible.

"Hello my sweeties." Sara said crouching down on the floor with them, she pulled both babies onto her lap, both boys quickly crawled away, to back what they were doing. Sara smiled at both of them.

"She has only been out of her room to see the twins this morning. She went back to bed. She won't tell me what is wrong." Ben told Sara. "She went to see Josh the other day to tell him about the monsters, but she came back crying and upset and never spoke to me."

"I know she didn't tell him. I would have heard about it."

"I hate to see her so sad." Ben said.

"I know me too. I know she loves Josh, and josh adores her. I just don't know why she is being so stubborn."

Ben laughed. "It is Ella you are talking about."

"True." Sara said as both babies crawled into her lap. "These little guys are so freaking cute. It is hard to believe they are Josh's offspring."

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