Chapter 31

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This chapter is a fliller of a little stumped on where i am going to take it, it usually works it way out as I write it. Let me know what you think Please!!

It had been a long day, Ella had arrived in Vancouver. They were at the airport for five am, flight departed shortly after six. She had flown the whole way by herself with two very cranky babies. The plane from Halifax was late so she missed the connecting flight in Toronto, she had a five hour overlay with two cranky babies. Liam started to run a fever between Toronto and Vancouver; he cried almost the whole flight. It was now just past 6pm; she just got her baggage and texted Josh to where she was in the airport. Liam was still crying, not as drastically it was just more like a whine now. He was exhausted. Landon was actually asleep in the stroller.

"Hey." Josh said as he approached.

"Hi." Ella said softly. "Liam is sick. I need to get to a drug store to get him some Tylenol." She said to Josh as soon as he came over. "He is running a fever and is miserable."

Josh looked at Ella, she looked like hell. "Okay let me take the bags."

" Can you push the stroller too. Liam screams when I put him down. Oh and don't forget Mo, he is in the cat carrier there by the suitcase.

"Sure." He said arranging the bags and started to push the stroller and walk along with Ella. "I am parked just out front in the no zone parking." Josh chuckled a little. "Hopefully no ticket, I have only been about ten minutes."

They got out to his car, which was a different one from what Ella remembered. He has a nice black and shinny BMW, only two doors. He had two car seats in the back already for the boys.

"How long has he been running a fever?" Josh asked watching Ella putting a sleeping Liam in his car seat. He stirred a little. She turned around and picked a sleeping Landon up and put him in the car. She struggled to get out of the back seat. Two door cars sucked for babies.

"Shortly after we took off from Toronto."

Josh loaded up the car; put Mo in the back on the floor in his crate. He climbed in the car and glanced over at Ella. She was resting her head on the back of the seat, her eyes closed. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

It was a twenty minute drive to his apartment. He hated that he had to take them to his little crowded two bedroom apartment. He had two cats, and a dog, and now a third cat. Two babies, him and Ella. He was going to go insane. He was still angry with Ella, but not as bad as three weeks ago. He was softening up a little bit. He wasn't being a dick to her, he still didn't know how they were going to live together and not be together. Josh didn't think he would ever be able to forgive her that much, to trust her again.

He pulled into the parking lot at his apartment; all three of them were asleep. He hated to move them.

"Ella......we are here."

Ella opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings. Josh had moved since she was here last. She stretched and sighed. "You take Landon and Mo, I will get Liam."

Josh nodded his head. "I will get you guys upstairs then I will come back down for your bags."

Ella picked Liam up and he started screeching. "Shit we didn't go to the drug store."

"There is one down the street. Write down what you need and I will run down and get it for you."

Ella bounced Liam as she waited for the elevator. The poor little baby cried all the way upstairs, and Landon joined him once he realized that it wasn't mommy carrying him. Ella felt like she was going to lose her mind.

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