Chapter 49

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Hi all!! thanks for the continued support with this story. It is almost to the finish point. A few more chapters to go. Don't know which way I am going to take it yet. Feed back please....and I appoligize for any typos or grammar issues.

Ella couldn't be happier, Christmas and New years was amazing. Josh was home with her the whole time. She didn't know how she was going to let him go back to work, and worst thought was he would be leaving on tour again soon. Every time they spent anytime apart he always acted weird. But she wasn't going to worry about that right now. Everything was perfect again.

Ella was packing her suit case; her very pregnant best friend sat on her bed and watched her pack.

"I wish I could fit in your suit case." Sara said watching Ella fold her clothes neatly.

"Ummm that belly won't fit in here."

"Shut up." Sara said pouting. "You were fat once, you were actually huge,"

Ella chuckled. "I was the twins made me very big and off centered."

"So where is he taking you?"

"Hawaii, the last time I was there I found out about the baby, well babies but didn't know there was two then. Sara I can't wait to spend a whole week with him. I have him completely and utterly to myself. No distractions."

Sara smiled softly. "Things are better?"

"Yes......god things are amazing. I have never been happier."

"That is great hun." Sara said smiling softly, even though her gut was telling her to tell Stella about how much of an asshole Josh really was. But all that would do would destroy her best friend. "So how are you going to manage without the boys?"

Ella stopped what she was doing and sat on the side of the bed. "I am going to miss them, but Josh and I really need this time together. Corlynn will take good care of them."

"So you guys are going to behave like teenagers?" Sara asked smiling.

Ella blushed. "I hope so."

"You need to pack less clothes then." Sara teased her friend.

Ella threw a pillow at her. "Come on lets go get something to eat. I am starving." Ella said shutting her suit case. "Josh will be here in forty minutes to pick me up."

"Okay I could use some food."

"I bet." Ella said laughing as they left the room.


Josh kept watching the time on his phone. He needed to be back to pick Ella up and drop the boys off so he could make their flight. He couldn't wait to get her away. He loved the idea of having her completely utterly to himself, no little boys interrupting him trying to seduce their mother.

"Josh......I am so sorry I am late."

"I was just getting ready to leave." Josh said shifting his weight. "I just want to talk to you before I left on vacation."

''You miss me?" She asked moving closer to him. Josh placed his hands firmly on her shoulders stopping her from coming closer.

"Look Cassie, I am really sorry but what happened between us, was a dick move on my part. I should never let it happen."

"Josh....." she started but he cut her off.

"I am in love with Ella. She is the woman I want to be with for the rest of my life. You are a beautiful, smart, sexy.......incredibly sexy." He said grinning at her. "I am sorry........"

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