Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Ella woke up to a darkened room; she checked the time it was shortly after three am. She stretched and got out of bed. She wondered where Josh could be. You would think that he would be back by now. The show would have gotten over around ten, she thought anyway. She got dressed and tied back her hair; she was going to go out and about the hotel to see if she could find him. She wandered down to the hotel bar, she noticed Matt and Ian were sitting at a table with a bunch of empty beer bottles sitting around the on the table.

"Hey guys." She said pulling up a chair. "Can I join you?"

"Hey Beautiful." Matt said to Ella as she sat down.

"We are being little drunkards." Ian slurred and smiled at Ella. "I don't believe we have been formerly introduced." He said putting his hand out for her to shake. "I am Ian, the octagon."

Ella shook his hand and looked at Matt. "Don't ask. You don't want to know." Matt said smiling. "You want a drink?"

"No thanks I am actually looking for Josh. Do you guys know where he is?"

"Well Nikki showed up here at the show tonight." Ian said.

"Ian!" Matt scolded. "Ella is kinda with Josh remember?"


"It is okay." Ella said softly. She was hurt. Why the hell would he go with her anywhere, especially after the incident at the condo last week.

"Ella, they are probably just talking or fighting." Matt said placing his hand on Ella's.

"You guys have fun. I am going to go back up to my room and wait for Josh.

Ella went back upstairs. She was sobbing before she got back to the room. She plopped down on the bed and picked up her phone. She was going to text him.

Josh~ it is 330 am where are you?"

She hit send and waited and waited. A half hour passed and her phone vibrated.

I am so sorry Ella. I will be right there. I lost track of time.

Ella looked at her phone and read the message he just sent her. "Lost track of time." She said allowed. She was pissed.

Where are you Josh?

She texted him again, but this time he didn't answer. Another twenty minutes passed and he came through the door. His shirt was unbuttoned, tie in his hand. His hair was messed up. He walked into the room and didn't say a word. He sat down on the bed and placed his hands in his head. Ella sat Indian style in the center of the bed. They sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"Ian told me Nikki showed up tonight. Did you sleep with her?" Ella asked sternly.

Josh turned and looked at her; she could see the pain in his eyes. "No I didn't sleep with her....i might

have if you wouldn't of texted me." He said with his head down, not making eye contact.

Ella felt like she was kicked in the stomach. She looked at her hands, playing with a lose string on the


"Ella sweetheart I am so sorry." He said reaching for her hand, when his hand found hers she pulled it

away like she was being burned by something hot. "She just showed up and said she wanted to talk, she

wanted to apologize for last week, she just confuses me and messes with my head. Please say


Ella looked up at him, her eyes meeting those beautiful blue eyes of his. "We had sex right here in this

bed not even 12 hours ago Josh. I thought I was starting to mean something to you but apparently not.

I thought you were different." She said without yelling at him. She cursed herself as a tear slipped from

her eye. That was the start of the water works, her shoulders started to shake, and she started to sob.

"Ella baby don't cry." Josh said reaching for her. "I am so sorry."

She shrugged him off. She put her head in her hands and sobbed. She felt stupid for being so upset. It was like they were committed to each other. She got up off the bed and started to gather her things.

"Ella what are you doing?" Josh asked watching her.

"I am going to go to another room." She said softly.

Josh ran his hand through his hair. He didn't want her to leave. Why did he have to be so fucking stupid when it came to Nikki. "Please don't go." He asked softly. "I am so sorry Ella.......please just stay." He got up and went to her. "Ella baby look at me. Please." He pleaded. "I am so fucking mad at myself right now. I don't know why she came here. Say something please anything. Just talk to me."

"You really hurt me Josh, I know we don't know much about each other but I thought we connected. If this is all just physical to you and that is all it is going to be tell me now and I will walk away and not look back. I am not asking for a commitment but all I ask is that when I am sleeping with you that I am the only one you are sleeping with and if you can't give me that much then lets end it now before I fall too deep."

Josh sighed placing his hands on her upper arms. "I am sorry I am a dick." He said softly. "The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. You are so different, you are beautiful and I really like you. I promise you here and now that I will never do that to you again. I want to be with you and only you."

"Give me your phone."


"I said gimme your phone."

Josh pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to her. Ella took it, and scrolled through his contacts. "I am deleting and blocking her number."

Josh didn't say anything because he knew it was for the best. He sighed as she handed him back his phone. "I am sorry sweetheart." He pushed he hair back from her face.

Ella looked at him and she could tell he was sorry. "I know you are. Don't do it again and I am fucking tired and want to go to sleep. Can we just go to bed."

Josh nodded his head and started to get undressed, Ella crawled into bed she left the covers back so Josh could get in beside her.

Josh got into bed, turning on his side so he was facing. Ella turned to face him. He just looked into her eyes, which were puffy red and swollen from crying. He felt like just a dick. He was a dick.

"Josh?" Ella said softly.

He looked at her and held her gaze.

"Do you find me ordinary?"

He smiled at her. "Ella bean you are far from ordinary. You are beautiful in a way nobody can compare, you are smart and funny. I don't know why you are even attempting to be with me. I am so sorry about tonight; I don't know what I was thinking."

"Why does she have such a pull on you? I just don't understand. It makes me feel like I am not enough."

"She will never be half the woman you are Sweetheart." He said softly brushing her hair from her face. "She just knows how to get to me. I promise you it will not happen again."

Ella's eyes fluttered closed. She yawned. "Night Josh."

"Good night sweetheart."

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